Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Thi Thanh Tam Bui, M.D..
Subspecialty: GU
Diagnosis: Choriocarcinoma of testis
See Dr. Bui's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/thi-thanh-tam-bui
#pathology #imageoftheweek #gupath #testis #pathologyoutlines #Directory
#Pathology #ImageOfTheWeek #gupath #testis #pathologyoutlines #directory
One signal to differentiate them both and in timed development bind them. 🧙 #Tor is required for germ cell #differentiation and its coordination with supporting somatic cells in the Drosophila #testis.
First #preLight from Diego Sainz de la Maza #UCL who covers the #preprint from the Jones lab #UCSF. Includes a #discussion between Diego and the first #author Marie Clémot 📝
#tor #differentiation #testis #prelight #ucl #preprint #UCSF #discussion #author