So I signed up to get those free #covid #tests (test to treat) that was going around here yesterday.
I just gave my information to #SALESFORCE? Ugh
Be careful out there. Our government has decided to tie covid tests to data sales & this isn’t the first time.
I’ve never had a Pharmacy drive up test because to schedule those at Rite Aid you have to connect your Google account, and I refused to do that.
Test du NAS TerraMaster F2-223 – Deux baies et deux interfaces réseau 2,5 Gb/s #TerraMaster #Hardware #Review #Tests #Test #NAS
#terramaster #hardware #review #tests #test #nas
Ja, so langsam wird es.
So könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass Kollegen #Moodle gut finden und sich auf gemeinsame #Moodlekurse einlassen.
Fehlt für die Schüler noch etwas mehr Interaktivität und Übungen, etwa #H5P, #Tests oder #Lernlandkarten. ...
#lernlandkarten #tests #h5p #moodlekurse #moodle
Are you down with CLT?
Not SAT or ACT
Doesn’t teach CRT
Like in FLA
Because R.O.N
Changed NEW college
Ruining EDU
#clt #tests #florida #Education
#clt #tests #florida #Education
Erste Rückmeldung meiner #Tests von #Betriebskosten #Abrechnung in der #Clowd
#tests #betriebskosten #abrechnung #clowd
Early #lab #tests suggest new #COVID19 #variant #BA286 may be less #contagious and less immune-evasive than feared #VOIs #SARS_CoV_2 #news
#lab #tests #COVID19 #variant #ba286 #contagious #vois #SARS_COV_2 #news
Es hätte alles anders sein können
#NewNormal #AkitoAihara #Beziehung #Dystopie #Erfahrung #ErikaHinata #Hata #Krankheit #Lesen #Liebe #Manga #Meinung #Mundschutz #Nase #Natsuki #Pandemie #Quarantäne #Review #Rezension #Test #Testbericht #Tests #Wertung
#newnormal #akitoaihara #beziehung #dystopie #erfahrung #erikahinata #hata #krankheit #lesen #liebe #manga #meinung #mundschutz #nase #natsuki #pandemie #quarantane #review #rezension #test #testbericht #tests #Wertung
Maître Pandaï (@Panda31808732): "Étude sur les infections Covid nosocomiales aux États-Unis : plus ça circule en communauté, plus il y en a à l'hôpital ; quand l'hôpital teste davantage à l'admission, il y en a moins. (Qui aurait pu prédire ?)" | nitter unixfox
#CovidIsNotOver #Prévention #Tests #CovidNosocomial
#CovidIsNotOver #prevention #tests #covidnosocomial
Une nouvelle version de #développement de #Vivaldi (6.3.x donc) #Desktop est déjà disponible !
Bons #tests 😉
#developpement #vivaldi #desktop #tests #snapshot
Bio_Saiyan (@SaiyanBio): "‼️Comparaison performances des tests COVID sur les échantillons des variants circulant cet été ‼️ 👉 les TAG en ratent 1/2 👉 d'autres technologies ont des limites à connaître Synthèse sur ces 2 images, et on détaille dans la suite ⤵️" | nitter unixfox
#Tests #Covid
Wer testet eigentlich meine #Tests?
Die Antwort auf diese Frage gibt es ab 27. Oktober in meiner #Online #Schulung zum Thema #MutationTesting für #PHP mit #PHPUnit und #Infection.
📢 Details:
📅 Termine:
#tests #online #schulung #mutationtesting #php #phpunit #infection
« UUV: User centric Usecases Validator »
A solution to facilitate the writing and execution of E2E tests understandable by any human. It is based on references tools like Cucumber, Cypress and Playwright for example and proposes a unified language for developers and non-developers. And it’s #opensource under MIT license. :blobcat:
#VieDeDev #tests
'MMD Aggregated Two-Sample Test', by Antonin Schrab, Ilmun Kim, Mélisande Albert, Béatrice Laurent, Benjamin Guedj, Arthur Gretton.
Différence entre un ordi avec Pcie X3 (pic1)
un autre PCIE X4 (Pic2)
Même NVME CRUCIAL + Logiciel Cache Crucial .
Noch ein Häschen
#Beastars #Erfahrung #Fleischfresser #Haru #Legoshi #Lesen #Liebe #Louis #Manga #Meinung #Melon #ParuItagaki #Pflanzenfresser #Review #Rezension #Seven #ShishiGumi #Test #Testbericht #Tests #Tier #Tiere #Wertung #Yahya
#beastars #erfahrung #fleischfresser #haru #Legoshi #lesen #liebe #louis #manga #meinung #melon #paruitagaki #Pflanzenfresser #review #rezension #seven #shishigumi #test #testbericht #tests #tier #tiere #Wertung #yahya
🎥 Just released: 3rd tutorial on #MLtesting with Giskard!
Dive into the #catalog to explore:
📝 The collection of #tests items
🔪 #Slicing functions
💡 #Transformation functions
and that your models are both robust and efficient. 💪
Watch now ▶️
#mltesting #catalog #tests #slicing #transformation
New Release 🎉
🟢 ++ 0 🔴 -- 0 ⚪ ~~ 4
## [8.2.2-exp.1] - 2023-08-18
- Move scene filter into GetScenePaths method so all callers get the correct scene list.
#qa #test #testing #tests #graphics
New Release 🎉
🟢 ++ 0 🔴 -- 0 ⚪ ~~ 3
## [8.2.1-exp.1] - 2023-08-10
- Make GetScenePaths method public for reuse outside of the class
#qa #test #testing #tests #graphics
At a recent PyRVA meeting, we discussed strategies to name #tests in #Python.
Inspired by Roy Osherove's test naming pattern, we created a pattern that I really like:
`def test__focused_item__state__expected_behavior()`
Changing my tests into this pattern as increased the readability DRAMATICALLY.