Saw in-laws last night in hotel room only my spouse and I were fully masked. They had been on a months long trip across the south where they both got severely sick with the “worst cold ever.” Never tested despite my urging (never thought of it because it’s not COVID.) Both dyed in the wool Democrats so now COVID amnesia is bipartisan. My circle of maskers is shrinking :blobcatpensive: #CovidIsNotOver #TestTraceIsolate #Variants
#covidisnotover #testtraceisolate #variants
Saw in-laws last night in hotel room fully masked. They had been on a months long trip across the south where they both got severely sick with the “worst cold ever.” Never tested despite my urging (never thought of it because it’s not COVID.) Both dyed in the wool Democrats so now COVID amnesia is bipartisan. My circle of maskers is shrinking :blobcatpensive: #CovidIsNotOver #TestTraceIsolate #Variants
#covidisnotover #testtraceisolate #variants
Saw in-laws last night in hotel room fully masked. They had been on a months long trip across the south where they both got severely I’ll with the “worst cold ever.” Never tested despite my urging (never thought of it because it’s not COVID.) Both dyed in the wool Democrats so now COVID amnesia is bipartisan. My circle of maskers is shrinking :blobcatpensive: #CovidIsNotOver #TestTraceIsolate #Variants
#covidisnotover #testtraceisolate #variants
A little tired of hearing coworkers are sick and asking “COVID test?” And hearing crickets #covidIsNotOver #TestTraceIsolate
#covidisnotover #testtraceisolate
Really disappointed in my teacher’s union. Writing on the wall that schools will drop remaining COVID protections in the fall. I posted the question to the MTEA Facebook page and all I hear are crickets. Early on teachers were overjoyed to drop masking and we have been short staffed all year. We have so many at risk people working in schools. :blobcatpensive: #CovidIsNotOver #SchoolsAreSuperspreaders #MTEA #TestTraceIsolate
#covidisnotover #schoolsaresuperspreaders #mtea #testtraceisolate
Still trying to wrap my head around how my in-laws travel across the south and after 2 months come down with a cold. “Did you test?” “No because he’s (dad-in-law) a doctor and he said COVID isn’t like this.”:blobcateyes: ”But you should really test to be sure so you don’t pass it…” #CovidIsNotOver #TestTraceIsolate
#covidisnotover #testtraceisolate
Stella trying to wrap my head around how my in-laws travel across the south and after 2 months come down with a cold. “Did you test?” “No because he’s a doctor and he said COVID isn’t like this.”:blobcateyes: ”But you should really test to be sure so you don’t pass it…” #CovidIsNotOver #TestTraceIsolate
#covidisnotover #testtraceisolate
Picking up my daughter for family thanksgiving and she has sniffles. Led to a convo about why to test. Now realizing: people are letting go of it all feeling no purpose to even knowing if it’s COVID or a cold. What a failure of PH, WH leadership when the people don’t want to know they’re carrying a deadly infectious virus. #LongCovidIsReal #Masks #TestTraceIsolate #WhereAreWeHeading #CDCFails feeling like an annoying broken record
#LongCovidIsReal #masks #testtraceisolate #whereareweheading #cdcfails