Routine Vaccinations Associated With Less Alzheimer’s Disease
Getting vaccinated against shingles, pneumonia, tetanus, diphtheria, and even the flu is associated with a 25-30% up to a 40% lower risk of developing the dementia of Alzheimer’s Disease. #alzheimers #vaccinations #shingles #shingrix #pneumococcalvaccine #tdap #tetanus #influenza
#alzheimers #vaccinations #shingles #shingrix #pneumococcalvaccine #tdap #tetanus #influenza
#Italy, #Padua: 75-years-old woman died after developing #tetanus, having spent two weeks in #ICU; she suffered a minor cut during her gardening activities, #vaccines #news
#Italy #padua #tetanus #ICU #vaccines #news
#Italy, #Padua: an elderly, unvaccinated, woman hospitalized in critical condition after developing #tetanus, #publichealth #vaccines #news
#Italy #padua #tetanus #publichealth #vaccines #news
Man kann es nicht oft genug sagen. Hier sieht man wieder, wie wichtig #Impfungen sind. Sie machen einen zwar leider nicht unsterblich, sie helfen aber dabei, die Gefahr zu verringern.
#impfung #wundstarrkrampf #tetanus #impfungen
Fine, now once again vaccinated for #tetanus, #diphtheria, and whooping cough (#pertussis) for another 10 years. Alas, they don't have a #vaccine for stupidity.
#tetanus #diphtheria #pertussis #Vaccine
When was your last #tetanus vaccine? CDC recommends #vaccines for people of all ages to help protect against this serious disease also known as lockjaw.
Learn more:
Vaccines are not only for children!
Besides #COVID19 & #influenza, many countries recommend boosters for diseases such as #diphtheria or #tetanus for adults.
Stay up-to-date on #vaccines, talk to your GP!
#VaccinesWork #UnitedInProtection #EIW2023
#COVID19 #influenza #diphtheria #tetanus #Vaccines #VaccinesWork #UnitedInProtection #EIW2023
#tetanus, #diphtheria, and #polio will soon be very common, if we stop vaccinating... #vaccination #vaccines
#tetanus #diphtheria #polio #Vaccination #vaccines
Leider gibt es keine Impfstoffe, welche Schwurblys gegen Verblödung resistent machen würden.
Ich bin dreimal geimpft, danach einmal genesen (und war sehr froh geimpft zu sein), wollte mich nochmal impfen lassen, aber es kommen nicht mehr genügend Patientys bei meinem Arzty zusammen, eine Ampulle reicht ja immer für 6 Dosen. Hab mich dann halt gegen #Tetanus #Diphterie und #Pertussis (wer immer das ist) impfen lassen. (Die alten Impfungen wurden nie ordentlich aufgefrischt.) So hab ich wenigstens etwas schlimmes getan.
Wobei ich wirklich nicht weiß, was jetzt in mir herumschwimmt. Bei der COMIRNATY waren es ja #BillGates gelbe Unterseeboote, welche mir heimlich Windows-Betriebssystem ins Hirn laden wollten. Nach den recht seltenen Systemabstürzen zu schließen, ist das so nicht geglückt. 😃
Danke #PiaLamberty für die tolle, #sisyphosistische Aufklärungsarbeit.
#tetanus #Diphterie #Pertussis #billgates #PiaLamberty #sisyphosistische
Good morning, and happy #PharmPhriday!
I regularly revisit this piece on #tetanus in an unvaccinated child. It is short, fascinating, heartbreaking, and incredibly frustrating story:
Please read and share.
#PharmPhriday #tetanus #VaccinesSaveLives
Prenatal #tetanus-#diphtheria-acellular #pertussis #vaccine effectiveness at preventing #infant pertussis
📌Tdap vaccination in pregnancy between 27 and 36 weeks’ gestation is highly effective at protecting young infants from pertussis.
#tetanus #diphtheria #pertussis #vaccine #infant
Seit 2 Tagen tut mir meine Einstichstelle von meiner #tetanus impfung weh, das hatte ich bei der #coronaimpfung nie!
#tetanus #coronaimpfung #corona #COVID19
Universal #Tetanus-#Diphtheria-#Pertussis #Vaccination During #Pregnancy: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
📌 Tdap vaccination during pregnancy is cost effective and reduces infant morbidity and mortality compared with no vaccination during pregnancy
#tetanus #diphtheria #pertussis #vaccination #pregnancy
So nun wieder 10 Jahre Ruhe mit #Tetanus #Wundstarrkrampf #Impfung
#tetanus #wundstarrkrampf #impfung
The states are stepping in where the feds have failed to act, spinning up their own pharma production capacity to create a #PublicOption for medicine - think of California's move to produce #insulin and other meds:
Or Massachusetts's #MassBiologics, the "only non-profit, FDA-licensed manufacturer of vaccines" in the USA, which sells its generic #tetanus and #diptheria vaccines nationwide:
#publicoption #insulin #massbiologics #tetanus #diptheria
@admin 🙄 When I was a kid, I tried fighting a bunch of nurses, a doctor & my late father to avoid a #tetanus shot after stepping on a rusty nail.
I also received mandatory #vaccines as a kid (at taxpayer expense) to protect me against numerous diseases (including #Hepatitis) while attending public school.
When traveling to #Nigeria 🇳🇬 I was required to be vaccinated against #YellowFever before entering.
Anti #COVID vaccination hysteria is overblown, in my honest opinion.
#tetanus #vaccines #hepatitis #nigeria #yellowfever #covid
@average_random_joe @Effortless I think with the flu, the vaccine would give me mild cases of the flu as a kid. As I got older, I rarely got the flu even tho I stayed caught up on the shots through 2019 or 2020 or so I think, but I'm not sure if it's because of better hygiene, or better vaccines
Also again I'm quite happy I got #tetanus shots as a kid