55 years ago today the dream died and the country was effectively lynched, not to recover for at least another 40 years. It was an awful spring and year too! Just awful, hard to put into words how our world was poisoned by the evil that was manifest everywhere in 1968.
#MLK #BobbyKennedy #TETOffensive #HubertHumphrey
#huberthumphrey #tetoffensive #bobbykennedy #MLK
In an attempt to spark a general uprising and thus topple the South Vietnamese government, the communist National Liberation Front launched the Tet Offensive #OTD in 1968. While failing to immediately accomplish their goal, this simultaneous bombardment of hundreds of towns and cities led to flagging US morale and helped invoke fear in the later incursions that won the war.
Today's art can be found here:
#history #Vietnam #communism #TetOffensive #USA #ToWeRi #Jan30
#jan30 #toweri #usa #tetoffensive #communism #vietnam #history #otd
This was famously a big deal in the #VietnamWar. The #TetOffensive was planned for the day after #Tet, Vietnamese traditional New Year.
But while south Vietnam was still in the same time zone as #China, UTC+8, North Vietnam had switched to UTC+7 to express independence.
That year, the new moon fell within half an hour of local midnight, which meant that Tet fell 1 day earlier in the North than the South, and so Northern forces attacked the south a day earlier than expected.
#vietnamwar #tetoffensive #tet #china