Currently enjoying the playback from the tribute concerts organized in #RyuichiSakamoto's memory these past couple of days. You can still purchase access to stream through the end of the month. Here's #TetuziAkiyama and #TomoyoshiDate to start the first night. #music
#ryuichisakamoto #tetuziakiyama #tomoyoshidate #music
#NowPlaying A lengthy excursion into guitar music from Japan in support of #SuzukiJunzo.⚡️ #MitsuruTabata (Boredoms, Zeni Geva, Acid Mothers Temple), #KohheiMatsuda (Bo Ningen), #KouteiPenguinParadise, #MakotoKawabata (Acid Mothers Temple), #Cicadelia (SEMI 蟬), #MondoBohachi, and #TetuziAkiyama.
#nowplaying #mitsurutabata #kohheimatsuda #kouteipenguinparadise #makotokawabata #cicadelia #mondobohachi #tetuziakiyama #suzukijunzo
#BandcampFriday Subliminal Skull Palace is an ongoing compilation series of guitar music from Japan in support of #SuzukiJunzo who suffered a head injury last year. Features tracks from #MitsuruTabata (Boredoms, Zeni Geva, Acid Mothers Temple), #KohheiMatsuda (Bo Ningen), #KouteiPenguinParadise, #MakotoKawabata (Acid Mothers Temple), #Cicadelia (SEMI 蟬), Mondo Bohachi, and #TetuziAkiyama.
#BandcampFriday #suzukijunzo #mitsurutabata #kohheimatsuda #kouteipenguinparadise #makotokawabata #cicadelia #tetuziakiyama