Bore da. Nadolig Llawen pawb. Heddiw, mae gen i fy nheulu i gyd. #dysgucymraeg #teulu #Nadolig
Bore Da, ymweld â fy rhieni a fy chwaer heddiw. Good Morning, visiting my parents and my sister today #teulu #family #DysguCymraeg
It's time for another in my short introduction series, this time on my family.
I've lived with my retired, north Welsh fiancé for 16 years, although we only been engaged for just over a year. I proposed on Tenby beach. (No date set yet!)
We have 5 boys between us, from previous relationships, all grown up and independent.
I have a sister in Yorkshire and 2 adult cousins and an aunty in America (CA and PA)
#family #teulu #Introduction
It's time for another in my short introduction series, this time on my family.
I've lived with my retired, north Welsh fiancé for 16 years, although we only been engaged for just over a year. I proposed on Tenby beach. (No date set yet!)
We have 5 boys between us, from previous relationships, all grown up and independent.
I have a sister in Yorkshire and 2 adult cousins and an aunty in America.
#family #teulu #Introduction
#introduction - been here and lurking for a while but this is my first toot. Please feel free to say hi if we are murals over on the other place or irl. Bear with as I learn. #dysgwyr #cymraeg #environment #nature #sustainability #circular #economy #dogs #wales #cymru #teulu a #môr
#môr #teulu #cymru #Wales #dogs #economy #circular #sustainability #nature #environment #cymraeg #dysgwyr #introduction