Yesterday on the 9th January, thousands of Kurdish people and internationalists joined in demonstrations across all of Europe to remember the assasination of Şehid Sara, Şehid Rojbin and Şehid Ronahî.
We will never forget and never forgive the attacks of the Turkish state.
#jinjiyanazadi #WomenLifeFreedom #tevgerajinakurdnayeastengkirin
The Paris Massacre was carried out by the fascist Turkish state and its international collaborators who turned a blind eye to these massacres targeting Kurdish people, especially Kurdish women.
We demand justice for #SakineCansiz founding member of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party & the living history of the women’s liberation movement in Kurdistan!
#JinJiyanAzadî - Sara Rojbîn Ronahî
We will not forget and we will not forgive!
#SakineCansiz #jinjiyanazadi #tevgerajinakurdnayeastengkirin
This massacre is a male attack by the capitalist powers, organized by the Erdogan MIT gang of the fascist Turkish state as part of the 3rd World War against the freedom of women, peoples and the free Kurdish reality.
Sakine Cansız, Leyla Şaylemez and Fidan Doğan, their life and their resistance are legendary, they will be remembered as exemplary symbols of resistance!
Parîs ji bo herkesê weke bajarê evînê ye, lê ji bo me Kurdan Parîs Katilê Sara, Rojbîn, Ronahî, Evîn, Abdurehman û Mîr e.
For everyone Paris is the city of love, but for us Kurds, Paris means Sara, Rojbin, Ronahi, Evin, Abdurehman and Mir.
The revolutionary women's selfdefense forces will never be defeated!
#bijikurdistan #TevgeraJinaKurdNayêAstengkirin #ypj #womensrevolution #defendkurdistan #fazismegecityok
#bijikurdistan #tevgerajinakurdnayeastengkirin #ypj #womensrevolution #defendkurdistan #fazismegecityok
Şehîd Namirin!
#TevgeraJinaKurdNayeAstengKirin #jesuiskurde
#tevgerajinakurdnayeastengkirin #jesuiskurde
"A society can never be free without women's liberation"
- Abdullah Öcalan
You cannot stop the women's revolution!
All over Kurdistan Women are fighting! The Revolution cannot be stopped!
#jinjiyanazadi #tevgerajinakurdnayeastengkirin
The massacres of January 9, 2013 and December 23, 2022 were organized in Ankara and carried out in Paris.
In today's hashtag campaign we are demanding that those responsible be brought to justice!