I'll be showing off the BIND RPG at a Belgrade fair, and now have to do design, and brevity, neither of which I excel at.
The flyer turned into an anti-design playground for #TeX.
My partner's a designer, and hates it so much she's redoing it.
I don't see the problem.
"We all know that personal web pages and blogs have lost popularity. I’ve now solved the main reason behind it: no easy way to do it using Texinfo."
I've made this for my personal website, but if anyone is interested in using Texinfo for creating a website/blog, this adds some m4 goodness (inspired by @technomancy ) and some additional niceties to make texi2any do the bulk of the work.
Read more about it here:
Ich bin gerade wieder dabei etwas #Tex zu machen. Während dem Studium haben wir viel LaTeX verwendet,... jetzt ist es leider die Ausnahme.
Präsentation mit LaTeX Beamer \usetheme{Darmstadt} geschrieben im VIM.
#tex is there a way internal to the .tex file to embed the repo URL or commit is for a latex file under git version control? (Other than a make file to do stuff then invoke latex)?
abstはone column、本文はtwo columnsなtex、どう作るの?と(できればpandocで)思ったら、既出のよう。
For comparison to the short life on the #tex #shinobi I pulled out my 9-year-old #KeyedUpLabs KUL-ES87 (with Cherry MX Green keyswitches). I used it daily for several years then passed it to my wife who used it daily until last year when she switched to a #GMMK with Cherry MX Red switches.
I gave the KUL a through cleaning and it's still great. It still has a superior firmness, no flex in the backplate or wobble in any keys.
#tex #shinobi #keyeduplabs #gmmk #mechanicalkeyboard
One of the lesser known talk tracks at the #cccamp23 #cccamp2023 #LaTeX #TeX
#cccamp23 #cccamp2023 #latex #tex
#TeX lets you define arbitrary list environments, so I've made one which shows dice-faces.
Encounter tables now show :d6: on every item.
Flt: CNS112 #CobaltAir #TEX-#SUN
First seen: 2023/08/12 14:50:55
Min Alt: 2232 ft AGL
Min Dist: 1.13 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
@onterof Ist mir eh immer ein Rätsel, wofür moderne Entwickler* den Platz verballern.
Meine erste Festplatte hatte 30 *Mega*Byte [sic!], und da waren ohne Platzprobleme OS mit GUI, komplette Office-Software, die Pascal-Entwicklungsumgebung und - das größte Paket - #TeX / #LaTeX drauf. Letzteres kam auf 5 HD-Floppies und belegte (unvorstellbare) 6MB, war also etwa so 1/3 so groß wie aktuell die Uhr-App auf meinem Androiden ...
Comm for @betterantlers and @Noantlertouchin as a present for Grandiose252's birthday!
Dez and Dell are sailin' the high seas with Tuli, but she might have her hands full with this particular crew
-I have my own telegram art channel! (18+) t.me/TrevorFoxArt
-Comm form and other places to find me: linktr.ee/Trevor_Fox
#trevor_fox #shark #ship #crew #sea #ocean #cannon #cannonball #barrel #explosives #cutlass
#pirate #rocks #tex #pirate_hat
#shipwreck #furry #anthro
#trevor_fox #shark #ship #crew #sea #ocean #cannon #cannonball #barrel #explosives #cutlass #pirate #rocks #tex #pirate_hat #shipwreck #furry #anthro
\theta =m\frac{\sigma \alpha }{j\gamma }*\omega xj/\theta \int\limits_{z=b}^{\infty}\left\lceil \gamma m+yb_{\omega }\right\rceil zcj+\theta y
Automagically #generated #TeX equation https://github.com/elbosso/generator-microservices
@scrat @fuchsiii ich selbst Hätte ja gern ne Model M13 mit 122 Tasten aber die gab's nie...
Wenn nen 65% Layout interessant ist gäb's auch das MX-kompatible #TEX #Shinobi...
Gibt es jemanden, der mit der #TUGraz und #LaTeX verbunden ist, der Interesse hat, sich bei https://latex.tugraz.at/ zu engagieren?
Wir brauchen frischen Geist für das Projekt! 👍
#TUGraz #latex #graz #typografie #tex #texlatex
Ist es nicht irgendwie witzig, dass insbesondere die Webseiten und Dokumentationen zu Latex so aussehen als hätten die Autoren keinerlei Gespür für ordentliches Layout? 🤔
Das geht bei ctan.org schon los ... the 2000's vibes are strong in this one.