Mik Duffy · @MikDuffy
245 followers · 1406 posts · Server mstdn.social

12/ The film's finale ups the transphobia by having Leatherface dress entirely in drag. Aesthetically the wig is certainly an improvement over that mullet, but the flowing black dress feels wildly impractical when it comes to stalking and slashing.

The original film does suggest that Leatherface is toying a little with gender, but this sequel goes full TERF. It's not his worst hour sartorially, but it's definitely problematic in terms of representation.

#texaschainsaw #leatherface

Last updated 1 year ago

Mik Duffy · @MikDuffy
246 followers · 1393 posts · Server mstdn.social

9/ Screenwriter David J Schow envisaged his version of the character as an angry teen, and this iteration certainly has the energy of an adolescent doing the bare minimum to adhere to a school dress code.

We should also note that Leatherface, never a model of dental excellence, has really let his choppers to heck. Yes, his new chrome-plated chainsaw sure is impressive, but maybe he'd be happier with a duller blade and a brighter smile.

#texaschainsaw #leatherface

Last updated 1 year ago

Mik Duffy · @MikDuffy
246 followers · 1393 posts · Server mstdn.social

8/ New Line Cinema's Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 (1990) gives us a less dapper L-face.
No sharp suit. No cowboy boots. Instead, he's grungier, dressed in filthy brown slacks and matching shirt. He's still wearing a tie, but it's very loose.

In an acknowledgement of that leg injury he acquired in the first film, he now has a leg brace. If that injury is still causing him pain we can, perhaps, forgive him for prioritizing comfort over style.

#texaschainsaw #leatherface

Last updated 1 year ago

Mik Duffy · @MikDuffy
246 followers · 1384 posts · Server mstdn.social

1/ Okay, it's August 18th, making this the 50th Anniversary of the date the classic horror movie The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is set on.

So, to mark Chainsaw Day this year, I'll be spending the weekend exploring Leatherface from a hitherto ignored angle. Sure, we all know he's an effective killer, but does he also slay in a sartorial sense?

Yes, it's time to ponder Leatherface's many looks.

#leatherface #texaschainsaw

Last updated 1 year ago

montrak · @montrak
148 followers · 2800 posts · Server norden.social
steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
242 followers · 7893 posts · Server masto.ai
BugsBenny · @Bugsbenny
67 followers · 109 posts · Server mastouille.fr

d’Hier soir. J’ai regardé Texas Chainsaw 3D. Épisode qui fait suite direct au premier film. Je ne l’ai pas trouvé désagréable. Il y a avait de bonnes idées. Je l’ai trouvé supérieur à la version de Netflix. Et puis on a deux cameo : marilyn burns qui jouait sally dans le 1er et bill Moseley qui jouait dans le 2. Un film popcorn qui se regarde bien.

#seancede21h #mastocinema #movies #horror #texaschainsaw #leatherface

Last updated 2 years ago