The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game has reminded me that part of why the movie is *so* terrifying is that it's trying to be funny and misses the mark. The absurdity becomes genuinely unsettling and frightening.
#horror #texaschainsawmassacre
#texaschainsawmassacre #horror
#Twitch Update:
Dark0verseer just went offline.
Now also watching TheSweetzLive (#TylerBreeze) & Dilly (aka #ShawnSpears) chat and play #TexasChainsawMassacre on #Twitch.
#texaschainsawmassacre #shawnspears #tylerbreeze #Twitch
I just played the shit out of this game. Got some good clips and now making an edit with my favorite Johny.. Got something done, but feeling tooo tired to keep going. Gotta sleep..
#texaschainsawmassacre #Johny #edit
#edit #Johny #texaschainsawmassacre
I just played the shit out of this game. Got some good clips and now making an edit with my favorite Johny.. Got something done, but feeling to tired to keep going. Gotta sleep..
#texaschainsawmassacre #Johny #edit
#edit #Johny #texaschainsawmassacre
Aujourd'hui on joue. 2 salles, 2 ambiances sur le Gamepass XBOX.
#texaschainsawmassacre #ageofempires4
#texaschainsawmassacre #ageofempires4
Hallo #Kiel, unsere lokale Geindhouse-Filmreihe wird unglaubliche 5 Jahre alt und das feiern wir mit dem ersten MONDO GRINDHOUSE FESTIVAL. Kommenden Sonntag gibt es 12 Stunden abseitiges Kino und wer eine ermäßigte Dauerkarte kauft, kriegt sogar nen Kaffeegutschein, um am Ende noch wach zu sein. Wir starten Mittags und ich moderiere Jean Rollins poetische Friedhofstragödie Die eiserne Rose an. Kommt ins Studio Kino! #StudioKino #StudioKinoKiel #MondoGrindhouse #JeanRollin #TexasChainSawMassacre
#kiel #studiokino #studiokinokiel #mondogrindhouse #jeanrollin #texaschainsawmassacre
Gizmodo: New Texas Chainsaw Massacre Board Game Embodies the Movie's Gruesome Spirit #chainsawsinpopularculture #thetexaschainsawmassacre #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsaw3d #fridaythe13th #leatherface #theshining #tobehooper #thething #choptop #sawyer #pieces #films
#chainsawsinpopularculture #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsaw3d #fridaythe13th #leatherface #theshining #tobehooper #thething #choptop #sawyer #pieces #films
El videojuego de #LamatanzadeTexas #TexasChainSawMassacre de #GunInteractive supera el millón de jugadores en su primer fin de semana
#lamatanzadetexas #texaschainsawmassacre #guninteractive
Read somewhere today that it was the 50th anniversary of the release of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The same post said it’s the spiritual start of the spooky season. So let's go, breeches. Get them decorations out and get going. I'm putting Ghoul Log on my TV as we speak.
#horror #halloween #spookySeason #pumpkinSpiceBitch #TexasChainsawMassacre #spookySeasonBitches
#horror #halloween #spookyseason #pumpkinspicebitch #texaschainsawmassacre #spookyseasonbitches
Kotaku: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game Isn’t Scary, Unfortunately #gaming #tech #kotaku #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #lionsgatefilms #leatherface #mariaflores #donnyosmond #weskeltner #grandpa #leland #saw
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #lionsgatefilms #leatherface #mariaflores #DonnyOsmond #weskeltner #grandpa #leland #saw
@grryboy Thanks for the recommendation! Haven't heard of this show, to repurpose a joke format into a serious question, would I have to listen to Folk Pts 1-7 to enjoy Folk Pt 8 on #TexasChainsawMassacre? When I'm trying a new show I like to skip around with topics I'm already familiar with until I get a feel for the format.
Me acabo de cambiar el avatar, ya que este representa mejor mi esto actual una vez alcanzadas mis (muy) merecidas vacaciones.
#vacaciones #muppets #texaschainsawmassacre
Y si, el peinado y la ortodoncia son muy muy similares. La mirada perdida... Igualitas en ambos casos.
#vacaciones #muppets #texaschainsawmassacre
If You're Gonna Play in Texas, Ya Gotta Have a Chainsaw in the Band
#HashtagGames #MakeASongWeird #TexasChainsawMassacre
#hashtaggames #makeasongweird #texaschainsawmassacre
Texas Chainsaw 3D on Letterboxd
#Horror #HorrorFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity #TexasChainsawMassacre #Leatherface
#nowwatching #netflix #horror #horrorfam #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity #texaschainsawmassacre #leatherface
Interesting news. I just signed a contract with an Austin architect & interior design firm to create 14 stained glass panels for the new Junction Train Station Steakhouse Restaurant in Kingsland, Texas, in the Antlers Inn Square. The restaurant there, Hoopers, is where the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre was filmed. I'll be doing some old stained glass restoration work in Hoopers and The Antler’s Inn as well. I'm excited to be part of movie history.
#Esplosione #caseificio in Texas: morte 18mila
#mucche #tfnews #tfanimali #14aprile #cronaca #esteri #disgrazia #tragedia #Texas #cows #texascows #TexasChainsawMassacre
#esplosione #caseificio #mucche #tfnews #tfanimali #14Aprile #cronaca #esteri #disgrazia #tragedia #texas #cows #texascows #texaschainsawmassacre
Tonight "there's just some things you gotta do! Don't mean you gotta like it!"
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 4K UltraHD Blu-ray limited edition Unboxing from Second Sight Films
Excellent video quality again authored by Fidelity in Motion and a great documentary from Phill Escott & Fractured Visions. Such a great release.
ICYMI: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the greatest pictures in the history of cinema, and a masterpiece of terror, and it now has an absolutely essential UHD release.
@SecondSightFilm #TexasChainsawMassacre #UHD #Horror #FilmReview
#texaschainsawmassacre #uhd #horror #filmreview
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is one of the greatest pictures in the history of cinema, and a masterpiece of terror, and it now has an absolutely essential UHD release.
@SecondSightFilm #TexasChainsawMassacre #UHD #Horror #FilmReview
#texaschainsawmassacre #uhd #horror #filmreview