Just another day in the good old U.S. of A.
>2 dead, at least 3 injured in shooting at Austin, Tex., shopping center https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-austin-texas-shopping-mall-shooting-20230901-epy6daedondwdcecmy7hcfddie-story.html
>Texas coaches charged with not reporting sexual assaults because suspect was a ‘good player’: cops https://nypost.com/2023/08/30/texas-coaches-didnt-report-sex-abuser-because-shes-a-good-player-cops/
#TexasFriendly #BusinessAsUsual #corruption #schools #education
#education #schools #corruption #businessasusual #texasfriendly
Texas Cancels School Over Concerns Extreme Heat Not Safe Environment For Shootings https://www.theonion.com/texas-cancels-school-over-concerns-extreme-heat-not-saf-1850775039
FTA: "...superintendent Theresa Williams, explaining that the last thing the district wanted was for school shooters to pass out from dehydration or heat stroke. "
Meanwhile, down in Texas. Yee haw!
>U of Houston Closes LGBTQ and DEI Centers https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2023/08/24/u-houston-closes-lgbtq-and-dei-centers
#PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #bigotry #LGBTQ #academia #HigherEd #TexasFriendly
#texasfriendly #highered #academia #lgbtq #bigotry #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid
Texas road rage suspect allegedly pulled a gun on a man during heated exchange around the corner from her home https://lawandcrime.com/crime/texas-road-rage-suspect-allegedly-pulled-a-gun-on-a-man-during-heated-exchange-around-the-corner-from-her-home/
Look out, Karen's got a gun. I do admit, I was a bit impressed it was a woman, but then again, these days, gundamentalists are equal opportunity, and this IS Texas.
#texasfriendly #KarenStrikesAgain #KarensGoneWild #crime
Baylor U: where you go if you don't mind some sexual harassment, more so if you are LGBTQ. (Said it before, why anyone LGBTQ would go to a #Chistofascists' school is beyond me).
Baylor University Gets Exemption From LGBTQ-Related Sexual Harassment Ban https://www.advocate.com/religion/baylor-university-sexual-harrassment-lgbtq
#TexasFriendly #academia #HigherEd #religion #bigotry #PartyOfStupid
#PartyOfStupid #bigotry #religion #highered #academia #texasfriendly #chistofascists
In more #censorship #fuckery in Texas. Now they're just saying fuck it and breaking into libraries in the wee hours of the morning to steal the books they dislike.
>Book-Banning Fever Hits a New Low in a Texas Town https://www.thedailybeast.com/book-banning-fever-granbury-texas-school-trustee-karen-lowery-snuck-into-library
#PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #BannedBooks #TexasFriendly #books #reading #libraries #education
#education #libraries #reading #books #texasfriendly #bannedbooks #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #fuckery #censorship
Apparently Conroe, Texas is a seriously shitty school district (see previous story). Jeebus.
Texas school district worker fired after fighting student on bus: report https://nypost.com/2023/08/12/texas-school-district-worker-fired-after-fighting-student-on-bus-report/
And speaking of the dumbification of America, Texas edition.
Texas School District Official Wants to Remove Displays of Inclusivity from Schools After Student Reportedly ‘Traumatized’ by Poster of Children of Different Races Holding Hands https://atlantablackstar.com/2023/08/12/texas-school-district-official-says-student-was-traumatized-by-multicultural-poster/
#PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #education #history #ThisIsAmerica #TexasFriendly #racism #bigotry
#bigotry #racism #texasfriendly #thisisamerica #history #education #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid
Not surprising, less so in Texas.
Conservative Group Pushes Religious Books While Seeking to Ban Others https://www.texasobserver.org/brave-books-texas-library-free-speech/
#Christofascists #PartyOfStupid #books #reading #TexasFriendly #BannedBooks #censorship
#censorship #bannedbooks #texasfriendly #reading #books #PartyOfStupid #ChristoFascists
More from The Chron on a clusterfuck that, at least for now, refuses to die.
#chismes #academia #HigherEd #TexasFriendly #fuckery #PartyOfStupid
Who Had a Say in Derailing Texas A&M's Hiring of Kathleen McElroy? https://www.chronicle.com/article/who-had-a-say-in-derailing-texas-a-ms-hiring-of-kathleen-mcelroy
#PartyOfStupid #fuckery #texasfriendly #highered #academia #chismes
In follow up. The Karen has been identified, and that she is from Texas is not really surprising. #FlyingCattleCars
American Airlines passenger behind ‘not real’ viral tirade that delayed travelers for hours ID’d as marketing executive https://nypost.com/2023/08/07/tiffany-gomas-ided-as-woman-behind-not-real-plane-meltdown/
#texasfriendly #KarenStrikesAgain #KarensGoneWild #FlyingCattleCars
Additional coverage from The Chron. Damn, it keeps getting worse for TAMU.
Said it before, say it again. Educators, get the heck out of Texas, and if you are in the market elsewhere, don't go to Texas.
#HigherEd #academia #TexasFriendly #fail #fuckery
‘We Dodged a Bullet’: Texts Between Texas A&M President and Dean Show How Faculty Hire Fell Apart https://www.chronicle.com/article/we-dodged-a-bullet-texts-between-texas-a-m-president-and-dean-show-how-faculty-hire-fell-apart
#fuckery #fail #texasfriendly #academia #highered
Article incl. the TAM's report on the investigation, and boy was it a clusterfuck of bigotry, racism, incompetence, RW #PartyOfStupid politics, and lack of any integrity.
Seriously, I am reading the memo on Dr. McElroy, and holy shit is it bad.
#HigherEd #academia #fail #TexasFriendly
>The Toll of a Botched Hire https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/diversity-equity/2023/08/04/texas-am-pays-mcelroy-1m-report-reveals-presidents
#texasfriendly #fail #academia #highered #PartyOfStupid
On follow up. I guess being racist bigots, plus going back on your word and showing no integrity, can be costly.
>Texas A&M reaches $1 million settlement with Black journalism professor
#fuckery #texasfriendly #PartyOfStupid #academia #highered
Texas Launches Outreach Program To Provide Troubled Teens With Assault Rifles (video) https://www.theonion.com/texas-launches-outreach-program-to-provide-troubled-tee-1850699773
#BarelySatire, or is it? #TexasFriendly #PartyOfStupid
#PartyOfStupid #texasfriendly #BarelySatire
Meanwhile, in Texan #bigotry, yee haw!
LGBTQ-Supportive Texas Church Firebombed After Right-Wing YouTube Video https://www.advocate.com/crime/pro-lgbtq-church-firebombed-texas
#church #religion #texasfriendly #lgbtq #crime #bigotry
Meanwhile, back in Texas. I keep saying educators, if you can, get out while can.
#Christofascists #education #teachers #TexasFriendly
Teachers at private Texas school fired for going to drag show https://boingboing.net/2023/07/27/teachers-at-private-texas-school-fired-for-going-to-drag-show.html
#texasfriendly #teachers #education #ChristoFascists
Assuming you're not a member of the GOP #PartyOfStupid (if you are, there is no helping you), you need to seriously get back in the job market and GTFO of Texas if you can and while you still can.
Texas A&M faculty worry about long-term damage over university leaders’ treatment of professors https://feeds.texastribune.org/link/16799/16263315/texas-tamu-faculty-disappointment
#Christofascists #HigherEd #academia #TexasFriendly #racism #bigotry
#bigotry #racism #texasfriendly #academia #highered #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid
Oh well, this IS the kind of thing Texans proudly, willingly, and gladly vote for and support. Guess a few eggs broken, something something. My sympathy is limited knowing Texas, I bet a few of these sellers voted #PartyOfStupid and now the leopard is eating their faces. Having said that, hope they win the lawsuit.
'It could very well bankrupt us,' says bookseller suing over Texas school book ban https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/texas-booksellers-lawsuit-1.6918447
#bannedbooks #censorship #texasfriendly #PartyOfStupid