Shameless grifter tries to soak the taxpayers once again on his way out the door...
"Despite a ruling from Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar that Paxton cannot be paid while he awaits his impeachment trial, the attorney general’s chief of staff sought his paycheck for the month of June."
Angela #Paxton banned from voting in husband’s #impeachment trial:
#texasgrifters #txag #gopcriminals #texasgop #republicans #texashouse #paxtonimpeachment
#paxton #impeachment #texasgrifters #txag #gopcriminals #texasgop #republicans #texashouse #paxtonimpeachment
The #TexasLegislature and #GovAbbott can always be counted on to do the bidding of their masters in the #oilandgas industry.
#Texas #ESG #corruption #TexasGOP #GOP
#texaslegislature #govabbott #oilandgas #texas #esg #corruption #texasgop #gop
Un****ing-believable!! 🤬 includes Texas Tribune link.
“ The law is designed to override local ordinances in Austin and Dallas (read: Democratic cities) that require 10-minute breaks for construction workers every four hours so that they can drink and take shade. San Antonio has been considering a similar requirement, The Tribune says, the new law also prohibits other cities from doing so in the future.
#texas #texasgop #americantaliban
Shafer’s obfuscation of Garcia’s beliefs fits a broader pattern of responses from the political right wing that downplay white supremacist violence in the United States.
#GOPfascists #Nazis #RepublicansAreTheProblem #RepublicanFascism #GOPLies #texasgop
#GOPfascists #nazis #republicansaretheproblem #republicanfascism #goplies #texasgop
The evil that the #TexasPublicPolicyFoundation (#TPPF) is responsible for continues. Of course, the corrupt, unprincipled #TexasGOP is happy to play TPPF waterboy and hand favors to its donors in #oilandgas
#texaspublicpolicyfoundation #tppf #texasgop #oilandgas #renewables #electric #texas
Texas GOP Passes Bills Allowing Abbott Appointee to Take Over Democratic County's Elections. "These bills are not about election reform," said one Harris County official. "They are entirely about suppressing voters' voices."
#CommonDreams #TexasGOP #VoterSuppression #HarrisCounty #ElectionTakeover #AbbottAppointee #Politics #News
#commondreams #texasgop #votersuppression #harriscounty #electiontakeover #abbottappointee #politics #news
#TexasGOP I’m surprised, did they need a sacrificial lamb to show that the Republicans are the good guys or was there just too much dirt? 🤔
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas’ Republican-led House of Representatives impeached state Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday on articles including bribery and abuse of public trust, a sudden, historic rebuke of a GOP official who rose to be a star of the conservative legal movement despite years of scandal and alleged crimes
Shit's Getting Deep In The Heart Of Texas...
A Texas House committee heard stunning testimony from investigators Wednesday over allegations of a yearslong pattern of misconduct and questionable actions by Attorney General Ken Paxton, the result of a probe the committee had secretly authorized in March.
Another day, another mass gun #slaughter , all in the name of gun industry profits.
#GovGregAbbott, #TexasGOP, and the gun makers are laughing all the way to the bank.
The #AmericanGunSlaughter is a policy choice. It’s about profit.
#slaughter #govgregabbott #texasgop #americangunslaughter
#TexasGOP eyes separation of church and state in #schools after #SupremeCourt prayer ruling
#texasgop #schools #supremecourt
#Texas #texaspolitics #texastaliban #texasgop #education
Texas demanding 10 commandments. Have they read them?
#texas #texaspolitics #texastaliban #texasgop #education
Grateful for #SamanthaBee and her road tour’s stop in Austin, Texas, last night! Texas needs more of the brash freshness that is #SamBee and less of the stultifying ignorance of #TexasGOP 😏 #feminist #feminism #perimenopause #menopause #postmenopause #lifeafter70 #elder #notoverthehill #femalebodied
#samanthabee #sambee #texasgop #feminist #feminism #perimenopause #menopause #postmenopause #lifeafter70 #elder #notoverthehill #femalebodied
It seems some members of the #GOP have cojones and a backbone. More need to stand up.
“After censure, Rep. Tony Gonzales tells #TexasGOP to f**k off. The party's state executive committee voted to censure Gonzales on Saturday for "lack of fidelity to #Republican principles and priorities."
Members took issue with his votes to protect same-sex marriage and bolster existing gun laws, as well as his opposition to a border security bill that Gonzales characterized as "anti-immigration." #GOPHate #Equality #CivilRights #GunControl #Uvalde #LGBTQ #MarriageEquality #Texas
#gop #texasgop #republican #gophate #equality #civilrights #guncontrol #uvalde #lgbtq #marriageequality #texas
#TexasGOP Bill Would Give Major #TaxCut to Straight, Never-Divorced Parents
#antiLGBTQ #bigotry #theocracy
#texasgop #taxcut #antilgbtq #bigotry #theocracy
@ProPublica The #TexasGOP wants a #Texas where everyone's a cowboy in the Old West.