The #TexasLegislature and #GovAbbott can always be counted on to do the bidding of their masters in the #oilandgas industry.
#Texas #ESG #corruption #TexasGOP #GOP
#texaslegislature #govabbott #oilandgas #texas #esg #corruption #texasgop #gop
#Religion #SeparationOfChurchAndState #TexasLegislature Thoughts and Prayers for Texas
#religion #separationofchurchandstate #texaslegislature
#TexasLegislature Comments on what appears to be strange behavior by the Speaker of the House
Just remember, @GregAbbott_TX and the #TexasLegislature value guns over lives. Pretty sad, isn't it? #WednedaySelfie #HumpDay #HumpTheOneYouLove #WednesdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #OfficeSelfie #CubicleSelfie #LockHimUp
#texaslegislature #wednedayselfie #humpday #humptheoneyoulove #wednesdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #officeselfie #cubicleselfie #lockhimup
#TexasLegislature is studying secession options—
N California State of Jefferson leader lived in Russia—
MTG's riff seems to be Putin inspired Old South fantasy—
A scent of #Brexit in these fever dreams—
Idaho pretends Eastern Oregon could join state— No it can't
Most of this arising from foreign bots— autocratic regimes love it, fuel it, feed it, and laugh at our even discussing it—
In #Texas “there is no substantive due process right to stimulate one's genitals” fun fact.
Anyway if you’re subscribed to the #HowGayThouArt patreon we just put out a minisode on the Texas and #Alabama war on #Dildos, and if you’re not, here’s a clip because I’m kind 🖤🌈✨
#texas #howgaythouart #alabama #dildos #texaslegislature #waronporn #obsenitystatute
#Texas State Rep. Jared Patterson also pre-filed a bill (already infamous in its vagueness) that labels #drag shows the same as strip clubs (which, in most cities, are subject to strict zoning rules).
#texas #drag #localnews #texaslegislature
Here’s some of the issues the #TexasLegislature will be discussing during their upcoming 140 day session beginning January 10th. I wish I was kidding. So much ignorance. But hey, can’t have teachers discussing current events in schools. 🙄