Ahhh, good old freeze peach in 'Murica!
What happened to mah raights?
Someone needs to roll Abbott’s ass into the Gulf of Mexico. #TexasFreeze2 #TexasWinter #texasstupid #GregAbbott #AntiImmigrantPolicies #texASS
#texasfreeze2 #texaswinter #texasstupid #gregabbott #antiimmigrantpolicies #texass
Tex-ass is looking to remove all children and teens from social media, and force all users to provide a photo ID. This creates a surveillance state and indoctrinated children with limited access to information and engagement. The GQP KNOWS it can’t win new voters in an online world, and they get fact-checked at every turn. If Tex-ass wants to fucking secede, vaya con dios. #texass #texasstupid #cult45 #beauofthefifthcolumn
#texass #texasstupid #cult45 #beauofthefifthcolumn