Fucker has been getting away with this shit since at least 2015...
"A Republican-led committee of the Texas House of Representatives recommended on Thursday that the state’s attorney general, Ken Paxton, be impeached for a range of abuses of his office that the committee said may have been crimes."
Republicans want mothers to skip abortions and use drop boxes. 🏥 #AbortionIsHealthcare #TexasTaliban
#abortionishealthcare #texastaliban
Republicans want women to suffer the consequences of pregnancy emergencies. #TexasTaliban https://www.thebulwark.com/lindsey-graham-wants-a-national-abortion-ban-heres-what-he-overlooks/
Houston Christians stop a field trip because everything is about SEX. 🐵✝️ #TexasTaliban https://twitter.com/BFordKHOU/status/1651717410368417792?s=20
Houston Christians stop a school play because everything is about SEX. 🐵✝️ #TexasTaliban https://twitter.com/BFordKHOU/status/1651717410368417792?s=20
https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7ebag/texas-ag-transgender-dress-code-memo Texas government agency threatens to fire any employee who does not dress according to their biological gender. - One employee who spoke with the Observer said the policy “feels like it threatens the safety of anyone who doesn’t conform to the binary dress code.” The internal department memo is just the latest attempt by state officials in Texas to crack down on trans and gender non-conforming people. #texas #TexasTaliban #transgender #transphobia #TransRightsAreHumanRights #gender #nonbinary #descrimination
#texas #texastaliban #transgender #transphobia #transrightsarehumanrights #gender #nonbinary #descrimination
Oh, it's a Texas day isn't it?
The Texas Republican Senate has passed a bill that sets a requirement to prominently display a religious text (The 10 Commandments) in every public school classroom.
It will have to get by the Texas House (no problem) and Gov. Abbott will have to sign it when it reaches his desk (no problem).
Naturally, there's no such proclamation about religious law from Islam or Hinduism or... the Satanic Church...
If I was a teacher, know where I'd put it? 🗑️
#GodDamnTexas #TexasTaliban #ChristianNationalism #SeperationOfChurchAndState
#goddamntexas #texastaliban #seperationofchurchandstate #christiannationalism
#Texas #texaspolitics #texastaliban #texasgop #education
Texas demanding 10 commandments. Have they read them?
#texas #texaspolitics #texastaliban #texasgop #education
Greg Abbott is a white supremacist domestic terrorist.
Make no mistake about that.
He has embraces fascism & is imposing it, via gerrymandered GOP supermajority, onto everyone in TX.
I'm sounding the alarm about this every chance I get.
https://apnews.com/article/texas-library-banned-books-73f17143237d57784efd2746d292ab68 From public backlash Leaders in a rural Texas county held a special meeting Thursday but drew back from the drastic option of shutting their public library system rather than heeding a federal judge’s order to return books to the shelves on themes ranging from teen sexuality and gender to bigotry and race They plan to do it out of public scrutiny #GOPbookBans #MAGAextremistRepublicans ##GOPFascists #TexasTaliban #GOPNaziParty
#gopbookbans #magaextremistrepublicans #GOPfascists #texastaliban #gopnaziparty
https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/abortion-pill-mifepristone-appeals-court HERE'S WHERE MEDICATION ABORTION STANDS
A federal appeals court said Wednesday abortion drug can remain available but placed restrictions on mailing pill
The move freezes parts of a Texas judge’s order issued last week that would have suspended FDA’s approval of the pill
This ruling is likely to complicate abortion access across the country, even in places where the procedure is legal
#AbortionIsHealthcare #TexasTaliban #ClarenceThomasCorruption
#AbortionIsHealthcare #texastaliban #clarencethomascorruption #gopwaronwomen
https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/02/28/1154339942/abortion-texas-laws-twins-selective-reduction. To safeguard healthy twin in utero, she had to 'escape' Texas for abortion procedure
It cost more than $3,000 for her to travel to Colorado for the abortion – most people can't drop that much money on short notice
Offsetting her anger is relief she was able to get the abortion, that she is healthy & that she only lost one of her twins #ForcedBirth #AbortionIsHealthcare #TexasTaliban Doc said baby was not going to make it to birth she had to get out of state
#forcedbirth #AbortionIsHealthcare #texastaliban
Two weeks ago, Dallas parents Temecia and Rodney Jackson opted for a home birth for their newborn daughter, Mila, with licensed midwife Cheryl Edinbyrd. #TexasTaliban Two weeks ago, Dallas parents Temecia and Rodney Jackson As of Thursday, she remains in the custody of Dallas CPS in what the Jacksons & their advocates at the Dallas-based, Black women-led birth & reproductive justice organization Afiya Center have likened to a “kidnapping” #ReproductiveFreedom #GOPfascism
#texastaliban #reproductivefreedom #gopfascism
https://newrepublic.com/feeds/168326/ticker A Texas GOP Bill Wants to Stop Credit Card Companies From Processing Your Abortion Pill Payment
Texas Republicans are introducing bill after bill to make it harder to get an abortion
#AbortionIsHealthcare #texastaliban #womensrights
https://www.chron.com/politics/article/texas-republican-wants-ban-access-abortion-17818093.php Houston-area #ForcedBirther #FascistRepublican wants to block access to websites on how to get abortions
The bill would outlaw creating, editing, publishing or maintaining websites that help Texans seek abortions. #AbortionIsHealthcare #TexasTaliban #ReproductiveFreedom #womensrightsarehumanrights #MAGArepublicanExtremists #GOPdeathParty
#forcedbirther #fascistrepublican #AbortionIsHealthcare #texastaliban #reproductivefreedom #womensrightsarehumanrights #magarepublicanextremists #gopdeathparty