Loss of life is tragic.
Does everything fall to federal gov?
Texas is a rich state but cannot help its peoples?
Texas exists via pollution of others and cannot protect its own?
Texas Tornado (formerly Cyclone) operated at Frontier Family Fun Park in Lancashire UK from 1939 until the park's closure in 1999. The 3,000+ feet of track went through color changes over the years, with the final decade or so of the ride existing in a natural wood tone.
Poor upkeep in the park's final years led to the ride being.....not so very pleasant for a lot of park visitors.
📸 Steve Smith | c. late 1990s
#rollerCoasters #DefunctParks #defunctCoasters #lancashire #TexasTornado
#rollercoasters #defunctparks #defunctcoasters #lancashire #texastornado