Every five to ten years, I make the effort to switch my #LaTeX editor to a more modern one. This process has now iterated several times back from when I was a graduate student in the mid-1990s using vi from a UNIX shell. On the suggestion of a reader here, I installed #VSCode + #TeXLive + #LaTeXworkshop + #GithubCopilot as an upgrade from my current setup of #TeXnicCenter + #miktex
which I had been using for almost a decade, and am recording my first impressions here (which will most likely be quite naive for existing VSCode users).
The installation had no problems (other than the four hours needed to download the TeX live packages on a slow internet connection). I began experimenting with various features. So far I have mostly played with the user-defined code snippets feature, which can allow me for instance to create an entire corollary environment by typing in a trigger word (I chose "cor") and pressing tab (see enclosed screenshots). Strangely enough I had a version of this functionality 20 years ago during a brief period when I experimented with using Microsoft Word as a LaTeX editor purely for the ability to use Visual Basic macros (though I abandoned this shortly after due to the lack of other LaTeX-friendly features). I could certainly see myself using this feature frequently as a time-saver.
So far the AI-powered Copilot suggestions have been mainly useful for filling out the snippet functionality: after giving a few examples of the snippets I wanted, it was able to suggest more that I could accept, again with the single click of the tab key.
(Incidentally, the screenshots are displaying a paper which I will be putting on the arXiv shortly. Stay tuned...)
#miktex #texniccenter #githubcopilot #latexworkshop #texlive #vscode #latex
Oops, 6 GB für die Installation von #TeXLive haben mich dann doch etwas überrascht. Bin gespannt, was #SPBuchsatz damit so macht. Habe gerade begonnen, die Neuauflage meines ersten Buches zu setzten.
Por cierto, la distribución de #TeXLive en #flatpak lo han puesto ahora como una extensión del espacio de ejecución #freedesktop. Antes, cada aplicación lo tenía que meter, algo así. Ahora está la cosa mejor.
#texlive #flatpak #freedesktop
#texlive Installation:
1) cd /tmp
2) sudo apt install tk
3) wget https://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
4) zcat < install-tl-unx.tar.gz | tar xf -
5) cd install-tl-*
6) sudo perl ./install-tl --gui
RT @norbusan
Party Time: TeX Live 2023 is released!
https://www.preining.info/blog/2023/03/tex-live-2023-released/ #TeX #TeXLive
Super nouvelle
RT @norbusan
Party Time: TeX Live 2023 is released!
https://www.preining.info/blog/2023/03/tex-live-2023-released/ #TeX #TeXLive
RT @norbusan
Party Time: TeX Live 2023 is released!
https://www.preining.info/blog/2023/03/tex-live-2023-released/ #TeX #TeXLive
BTW: The KOMA-Script TeX Live Repository supports TeX Live 2023:
https://komascript.de/node/2049 (English)
https://komascript.de/node/2045 (German)
#tex #texlatex #texlive #KOMAscript
Who pushed the #texlive update? @fedora :)
`sudo dnf update` is now dealing with 7518 tasks.
@TeXhackse Good news. Successfully installed. Installation of #TeXLive 2023 pretest needed about 30 minutes on my old linux notebook. First test build of #scrlayer-fancyhdr was also successful. Test build of KOMA-Script is running.
Unfortunately there is still no biber.aarch64-linux, so I still cannot switch from #babelbib to #biblatex (using biber), because the build machine for my TeX Live repository is a Raspberry Pi4. 😢
#texlive #scrlayer #babelbib #biblatex
RT @wtsnjp
Texdoc 4.0 has been released 🚀
#texlive #Texdoc
Texdoc 4.0 has been released 🚀
#texlive #Texdoc
TeX Live 2023プレテストはまもなく始まる模様。
#TeX #TeXLaTeX #texlive