Après le #text2text (#chatgpt) et le #text2image, voilà qu’arrive le… #text2IA ! L’idée est simple : générer un modèle d’IA performant en une seule phrase, un seul #prompt. En seulement quelques minutes…
#text2text #chatgpt #text2image #text2ia #prompt
#REALITY 配信者のえまるさん(@emaru_maru53)のアバターを基に隣で寝顔を見つめているワンシーンをX(旧Twitter)のヘッダーとしてAI画像生成しました
#StableDiffusion #Anything_V45 #text2image #プロンプトあり #絵まーる
#アワートAI #AIFAN #絵まーる #プロンプトあり #text2image #anything_v45 #stablediffusion #reality
#REALITY 配信者のみこしさん(@micoshi_354)のアバターを基に誕生日祝いとイベント応援でリゾートプールでお戯れの様子をAI画像生成しました
#StableDiffusion #Anything_V45 #text2image #プロンプトあり #みこしート
#アワートAI #AIFAN #みこしート #プロンプトあり #text2image #anything_v45 #stablediffusion #reality
#REALITY 配信者のみこしさん(@micoshi_354)のアバターを基に誕生日祝いとイベント応援でリゾートプールでお戯れの様子をAI画像生成しました
#StableDiffusion #Anything_V45 #text2image #プロンプトあり #みこしート
#アワートAI #AIFAN #みこしート #プロンプトあり #text2image #anything_v45 #stablediffusion #reality
#REALITY 配信者のみこしさん(@micoshi_354)のアバターを基に誕生日祝いとイベント応援でリゾートプールでお戯れの様子をAI画像生成しました
#StableDiffusion #Anything_V45 #text2image #プロンプトあり #みこしート
#アワートAI #AIFAN #みこしート #プロンプトあり #text2image #anything_v45 #stablediffusion #reality
Ein Stimmungsbild von #DeepAI
War nicht ganz das, was ich haben wollte (ich wollte ein Dampfschiff, das in rauer See einem Sonnenuntergang entgegenfährt), aber ich finde das Ergebnis im Prinzip auch nicht schlecht.
Tewel et al: Key-Locked Rank One Editing for Text-to-Image Personalization.
A 100kb only text2image model #perfusion trained in only 4 minutes by NVIDIA. SIGGRAPH2023 paper. I hope they are going to publish the code for the conference...
Paper: https://research.nvidia.com/labs/par/Perfusion/
#creativeAI #generativeAI #AI #artificialintelligence #text2image #siggraph
#perfusion #creativeai #generativeAI #ai #artificialintelligence #text2image #siggraph
#REALITY 配信者のこはるなさん(@koharuna321)のアバターを基にイベント完走祝いで南国リゾートのプライベートビーチでくつろいでいる様子をAI画像生成しました
#StableDiffusion #Anything_V45 #text2image #プロンプトあり #こはるなート
#アワートAI #AIFAN #こはるなート #プロンプトあり #text2image #anything_v45 #stablediffusion #reality
I find these timelines very useful. Only that for me the interesting starts with Parti and Midjourney v4 (there's also a thing called Structured Diffusion Guidance), because these models also work on scene composition. Everything before that is pure randomness #text2image #AIart
Image from https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.07521v1
A recent paper proposes a systematic approach for prompt refining for #text2image generators. Yet, they work only on style. No consideration of scene composition, which some generators now support. #AIart
Running #GenerativeAI like #StableDiffusion with #DiffusionBee on my local machine reminds me of the days downloading #pr0n at 9600 bps with a dial-up modem. While the images would slowly load, I could get an idea if there was nudity. Unlike #text2image, where the entire process has to finish to see if it's [disfigured] of has [bad hands]. A nostalgic reminder of the days when we had to exercise patience in the face of slow internet speeds. #Nostalgia #DialUpDays #SlowInternet #AIArt
#generativeAI #stablediffusion #DiffusionBee #pr0n #text2image #nostalgia #dialupdays #slowinternet #aiart
This is my first attempt of a daily marketing toot, expect more. Using #ai a little #text2image #aiart for some imagery and advice from #ChatGPT to squeeze a story into a paragraph. Used #diffusionbee and the (alt) shows the #prompts used.
#ai #text2image #aiart #chatgpt #DiffusionBee #prompts
Playing with the dragon - Meine Tochte wünschte sich von DallE2 openAi eine Bild von Mädchen das mit einem lieben Drachen spielt. Sie fand das Ergebnis toll und ich mag es auch :)
#openai #DALLE2 #text2image #art #digitalArt #Mastoart
#openai #DALLE2 #text2image #art #DigitalArt #mastoart
'I Made a Beefy Robot'
A digital image 'dreamed by' Midjourney, an artificial intelligence program that creates images from textual descriptions. The technique evolves fast. Let's compare these results with the images in one year's time..
#midjourney #digitalart #text2image #ai #phantasy #robot #humanoid #man
#man #humanoid #Robot #phantasy #AI #text2image #DigitalArt #midjourney
'I Made a Tiny Robot'
A digital image 'dreamed by' Midjourney, an artificial intelligence program that creates images from textual descriptions. The technique evolves fast. Let's compare these results with the images in one year's time..
#midjourney #digitalart #text2image #ai #phantasy #robot #humanoid #man
#man #humanoid #Robot #phantasy #AI #text2image #DigitalArt #midjourney
Compared to the new generation of image generators craiyon (DALL·E mini) looks out of time.
As a design academic and someone with a great deal of personal time invested in sketching and image making I’m intrigued by the emergence of #aiart. Like all technologies it can be well-used or miss-used and I’m reminded of one of my favourite Marshall McLuhan quotes:
> The future masters of technology will have to be lighthearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the dumb and the grim.
#aiart #ai #text2image #image2image
They Can't See Us .. Right?' - Alien Visitors 03
#midjourney #digitalart #text2image #ai #phantasy #alien #visitors #earth #60s #color
#color #60s #Earth #visitors #alien #phantasy #AI #text2image #DigitalArt #midjourney
'They Can't See Us .. Right?' - Alien Visitors 02b
#midjourney #digitalart #text2image #ai #phantasy #alien #visitors #earth #60s #color
#color #60s #Earth #visitors #alien #phantasy #AI #text2image #DigitalArt #midjourney
'They Can't See Us .. Right?' - Alien Visitors 02
#midjourney #digitalart #text2image #ai #phantasy #alien #visitors #earth #60s #color
#color #60s #Earth #visitors #alien #phantasy #AI #text2image #DigitalArt #midjourney