Now that my wayland and pipewire transmissions are done it's time to get #qutebrowser and #textadept set up.
I am stoked. Soon I will have a setup that I can completely integrate into my workflows.
Writing a mastodon reply inside my texteditor on fullscreen? Here we go. Sending websites to my CLI bookmark manager? I am ready. Theming my browser like my OS? Cant wait. So many things possible.
Today I've added a #donotdisturb mode to my #voidlinux setup.
Will create a workmode soon that uses a pomodoro timer.
Still left is a migration to a new editor, #textadept.
#donotdisturb #voidlinux #textadept
Continua il setup della mia postazione #linux :manjaro:
Ho fatto l'upgrade ad Hollywood X e l'ho installato su Linux e su Windows, domani tocca ad #Amiga sotto FS-UAE così potrò testare le mie cose agevolmente.
#TextAdept , l'editor che uso per programmare, funziona alla grande anche sotto :manjaro: l'unica cosa che ho cambiato è stato il comando per eseguire il codice.
Ho avuto difficoltà ad eseguire il comando in un nuovo terminale ma poi ce l'ho fatta:
konsole -e "programma"
... sad to admit, but I think it's time to hop to other text (source code) editor :(
Considering the #neovim now. Can you give some advice / links to docs or configs?
Some time ago I tried to use #spacemacs and fell in love with its idea of semantic keybind chaining. But with all the plugins used it became too slow and sometimes buggy.
Also, like to code configs with #lua (thanks #textadept 😢).
*Top languages I need support for: md, html, scss, js, ts, bash, python, plantuml.
#neovim #spacemacs #lua #textadept #dev #CodeEditors
#Textadept 12 defaults to QT.
But I really like single-instance with GTK version... but I also want to use QT...
... so, I hacked a bit and here is a singleton for TA:
(think you can use it with TA 11 with minor adjustments)
BTW, I use #i3wm for focusing on TA window and #fswatch to monitor filesystem changes to open new files.
#textadept #i3wm #fswatch #unixporn #pde
@governa there is another lightweight editor which I think doesn't get the attention it deserves: TextAdept! It is really small, extensible yet surprisingly easy to use.
#texteditor #textadept
My new text editor is now #Textadept.
I see it like the little brother of Emacs, with #Lua instead of Emacs Lisp.
The best 6 base16 ( light themes in #textadept in my opinion:
I'll try base16-embers-light theme