Christian Pietsch 🍑 · @chpietsch
3659 followers · 12076 posts · Server

@watch_union Weil da ein Popup im Weg war, habe ich den Artikel mit einem gelesen. AuszĂĽge:

The documents record meetings between Kremlin officials and Russian political strategists, and the Kremlin’s orders for the strategists to focus on Germany to build antiwar sentiment in Europe and dampen support for Ukraine. The files also chronicle the strategists’ efforts to implement these plans … The documents do not contain any material that records communications between the Russian strategists and any allies in Germany. But interviews show that at least one person close to Wagenknecht and several AfD members were in contact with Russian officials at the time the plans were being drawn up.

The documents … show for the first time the Kremlin’s direct attempts to interfere in German politics by seeking to forge a new coalition among Wagenknecht, the far left and the AfD, as well as to support protests by extremists on the left and right against the German government.



Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2336 followers · 15451 posts · Server

@ajroach42 w3m, links, elinks, elinks2.

w3m is far and away my preference. Vim-like bindings.

#w3m #consolebrowser #textmodebrowser

Last updated 2 years ago