Another possible, though uncertain, paleo-Hebrew variation is in the following verse, where MT reads חַטּ֖וּשׁ and OG ᾿Αττοὺθ, possibly representing Hebrew חטות. ש vs. ת are not very similar, but they are closer in Paleo-Hebrew 𐤔 vs. 𐤕. However, the difference could also be Uncial C vs. Θ, so it might not be a Paleo-Hebrew variation.

#HebrewBible #textualcriticism #paleohebrew #greek #hebrew

Last updated 1 year ago

Wim Van Mierlo · @wvmierlo
120 followers · 244 posts · Server

Textual Scholars:

I am writing something on parallel text editions (like the Norton edition of Wordsworth's The Prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850) and could use your suggestions.

I am looking for the earliest instance of a parallel text edition in English.

I'd also be interested to know which parallel text edition you consider the best (and why) and which is the most used.

#TextualScholarship #scholarlyediting #textualcriticism #hivemind #academicresearch #humanities

Last updated 1 year ago

-Heavenly Bank Account

"He's got twenty million dollars
In his Heavenly Bank Account . .
All from those chumps who was
Born again
Oh yeah, oh yeah"


For the textual Biblical critics among us:

"What mattered to Paul was not the ethics of Jesus, but the death and resurrection of Jesus." - Bart D. Ehrman

Jesus was NOT a Christian, he was an Apocalyptic JEW!

#nowlistening #frankzappa #yourgodisdead #bartehrman #textualcriticism

Last updated 2 years ago

What impact did Derrida have on philosophy?


Final as in ABSOLUTE meaning, no.
But some interpretations of a text's meaning are better than others; and are therefore authoritative.

#textualcriticism #derrida

Last updated 2 years ago

Volker Schröder 🌎 · @Marphurius
247 followers · 119 posts · Server

@Mittelalterblog To illustrate the issues discussed in this blog post, I'm attaching here three side-by-side comparisons showing two versions of the publication in question. These images are screenshots of the PDF files that I downloaded from the website on December 24 and 25, respectively.

#receptiogate #philology #textualcriticism #digitalhumanities

Last updated 2 years ago