(geändert) #TFI: Störung: Störung an Signalanlagen - Signalstörung
Ausfahrsignal "34P2" gestört seit 15:32 Uhr.
Zugfahrten mit Ersatzsignal.
Techniker an der Entstörung
Ende: 2023-09-07 18:01
Quelle: strecken.info
Christ, Bus Éireann just took €44 off me for a journey that would take 44 minutes each way in a car in NW Ireland. Daylight robbery #TFI #BusEireann
#TFI Transport for Ireland's conviction that waiting for public transport should be a miserable experience without shelter AND at the most dangerous spot they can find in the countryside runs deep.
#tfi #ireland #publictransport #publictransit
Irgendwie war ich zu blöd auf bahn.de ne Liste mit Beeinträchtigungen zu finden, die das erklärt hätten. Hab halt gesehen die Züge enden in TSHT 🤷
... It turns out that I just needed to restart Home Assistant to load the Leaf integration. Oops.
There's a Dublin Bus integration, I wonder does it use the overall same API as TFI... @dregin I came across your username on a thread about this. It looks like it wasn't working for ye - any update since?