I have plenty more achievable goals for schizo.social (like multi-account, or support) but something I'd love to try is posts with

I'd like to be able to define "labels" and then train it to identify those on the fly. Then either mute or highlight posts that highly.

Not so much an , as a .

#classifier #webdev #ml #ai #filter #algorithm #classify #tfidf #machinelearning #classifying #calckey

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeH · @mhiggins
0 followers · 4 posts · Server masto.ai

What with the Yandex leak showing us that BM25 is more important than tf*idf (boo to all those SEO content editing tools that promote all that tf*idf 'magic bullet' bollox) it's worth brushing up on a few search engine basics.

It's an oldish article (not that it matters in this case) but here, Lan Chu does a really great job of breaking down term-based retrieval methods in information retrieval.

If this is your bag, give it a read.


#seo #yandex #tfidf #bm25

Last updated 2 years ago

Gwmngilfen · @gwmngilfen
452 followers · 1977 posts · Server fosstodon.org

planning for ? Not sure what track(s) to attend? I have you covered!

Behold, my entirely hacky TF-IDF analysis of the talk submissions, broken down by room & day. In other words, what words are common to each room *specifically* in the talks blurb.

#cfgmgmtcamp #rstats #textmining #tfidf

Last updated 5 years ago