My friends kid is dressed up as a mini Optimus Prime for #TFN #tfnation2023 and he looks so cute.
Oh it's #TFN today...
...but I'm working *grumble grumble grumble*
I hope you all have a great time though.
Thinking of heading over to the UK for #TFN this August. Anyone else here planning to go? :3
Don't forget that hotels go live for #TFN 2023, tomorrow, #Transformers fans!
Kurzfristig, mit einem Vorlauf von 72 Stunden, springe ich aufgrund von Krankheit ein und übernehme die Regie von Jean-Paul Sartres‘ „Der Teufel und der liebe Gott“ am Theater für Niedersachsen in Hildesheim. Probenbeginn am Montag. Premiere am 18. März 2023 in der Zwölf-Apostel-Kirche in Hildesheim.
#tfn #theaterfürniedersachsen
#tfnhildesheim #hildesheim #niedersachsen #theater #schauspiel #theaterleben
#theaterleben #schauspiel #theater #niedersachsen #hildesheim #tfnhildesheim #theaterfurniedersachsen #tfn
Waghalsig stürze ich mich in ein wahres Theaterabenteuer!
#tfn #theaterfürniedersachsen
#tfnhildesheim #hildesheim #niedersachsen #theater
#theater #niedersachsen #hildesheim #tfnhildesheim #theaterfurniedersachsen #tfn
I need there to be a seminar at #TFN on how to pose and take good pictures of #Transformers because I can never do them justice.
I just checked all my details on #MyGov & took screen-shots to be sure. I then checked my #ATO linked service & did the same thing. I linked the #ATO back in 2018, so I can't be completely sure, but I am reasonably confident that the linkage process required my #TFN.
Not sure if all the facts in the #ABC story are correct ... 😎