#OcularMax #Mirage and #Binaltech #Swindle, also from #TFNation. Both are wonderful but I’m especially impressed by the deco and bot proportions of Mirage! #Transformers
#ocularmax #Mirage #binaltech #swindle #tfnation #transformers
I also picked up these lovely boys at #TFNation, from the equally lovely #ToyFu who donate all proceeds to charity.
It’s my first #FansProject bot and I’m very impressed with the transformation, esp how the chest is moved along a rail from the front of the torso to the back in order to form the bonnet of the vehicle… together with the legs!
#tfnation #toyfu #fansproject #rewind #chromedome #Toyhax #deskbot #transformers
Picked up these two hearty lads, Snowcat/Cyclonus and Inferno Volt/Roadblock, at #TFNation. It’s all thanks to #TripleTakeover enabling me through their #UnicronTrilogy miniseries! Apparently Snowcat was the first official #GIJoe crossover?
The minicons are Longarm and Oil Slick, both really neat!
#tfnation #tripletakeover #unicrontrilogy #gijoe
Here's the G1 Arcee I contributed for the TFNation 2023 programme! Susan Blu was a guest so they got me to do this up for it :D I hope you all like it! :D
#transformers #maccadam #tfnation
And now, a rambling write-up on #TFNation!
Buzzworthy Bumblebee G2 Universe Cybertronian Trooper
Now, Skullgrin is possibly the worst Decepticon deluxe of recent times... but I did find this compelling. Possibly a superior retool, but not much in it.
Big thanks to KapowToys for splitting the troop builder packs.
Transformers G2 Hooligan
This is the third time time ToyFu has provided me with a personal holy grail. I love the cyberjets as designs, but this guy was always just outta reach. He's the platonic ideal of G2, not merely colourful, but having balljoints too.
Thanks Nick.
OK, here's my #TFNation haul thread.
First off, some delightful stickers by the talented artist, fellow RPG party member, and good bean @Claudovel of twitter.
I picked the two on the top as they generally represent my two moods, while the third foreshadows a future tweet.
Thanks friend!
I am currently recovering from #TFNation, which means I can share the article I neglected to show yesterday. Here's a #lego robot for you!
Well, #TFNation, is over. I had a grand time, and it was a pleasure to see you folks in person.
A good day at #TFNation. Met friends, met new people, helped raise money for charity. Spent a lot of money.
Extra ready for #TFNation! #TripleTakeover #Omnibots
#tfnation #tripletakeover #omnibots
Sooo excited for #TFNation this weekend, though I did have a stressful dream last night where I was faffing about elsewhere in town the whole con!
I’ve made sure to book a child seat for Fort Max on the return flight. I’m only half kidding!
So, with #TFNation imminent, what are you planning to buy?
Here's a few I'm keeping an eye out for.
Righty, I just have to survive this shift, and then I have a week off, culminating in #TFNation.
Wish me luck.