#tfw you read about the epidemiology professor who laughs about getting covid "a few times" 👀
Also, in our house we refer to kids as "disease vectors".
#TFW you suddenly hear the intimately familiar sound of "gadunk gadunk gadunk" from the other side of the sick kid's bedroom door :D
I (Josh) was introduced to Max in 2016 via Adrienne Lloyd of 'Hunter Valentine' fame, who was my first ever boss in the field of music. However from '17-'19 what became known as 'The Boskop' had no bass player.
I met David at a gig one day after my first rehearsal with Max. Fast forward to this time 4 years ago. Original caption: "#tfw u officially update ur bands IG bio from #twopiece to #powertrio."
Please enjoy this early version of our favorite encore and ode to NY "Hives" ❤️
#tbt #tfw #twopiece #powertrio
#TFW you post a scathing 17-part thread commenting on the #TrainWreck that is #Canadian bill C-18, about how its effects on Canadian media websites were predictable, and predicted, and still the Legacy / Dinosaur Media and the #government are #shocked, shocked I say, at the consequences...
... and you swap the letters in the acronym in Every. Single. #Toot.
#tfw #trainwreck #canadian #government #shocked #toot #fml #c18
That feeling when you forget to close a quote in bash, and bash waits patiently for you to close that stupid quote, but you don't realize it, and you go "WTF is taking so long?" and then you realize your mistake, and you go 🤦.
Yeah, that happened, just now. :madjoy:
#tfw #facepalm #bash #quoting #unix
#tfw when you case a reported "bug" back to a change 10 years ago and have to decide its now a feature while also remember that back then distribute_setup (setuptools fork) would require a python newer than 2.6 for `--user` installs (and python 2.5 was still supported)
#TFW you're contacted for a potential interesting job but then you find out it's all about NFT
#TFW your elderly uncle's doctor chastises him for getting a #COVID booster because "we're done with all that." #CovidIsNotOver
#TFW an integration test passes locally and refuses to pass on the server, for no obvious reason. 🤬🤬🤬
#TFW you find out that a handful of #BaseballCards is worth more than a ton of #MagicTheGathering
I have thousands of MTG cards, mostly worth pennies, and my small baseball card collection (2 random boxes of cards bought from Walgreens) averages $2 a card (including a 1989 Bobby Doerr worth $60)
#magicthegathering #baseballcards #tfw
#tfw there's too many emails on the big screen, so you check your phone to see if there are fewer emails there.
That feeling when you realize your fan has a huge unblinking eye watching you as try to stay cool in 110° heat...
#California #Chico #NorCal #heat #heatwave #tfw #fan #eye #eyeball #sauron #sauroneye #watching #beingwatched
#california #chico #norcal #heat #heatwave #tfw #fan #eye #eyeball #sauron #sauroneye #watching #beingwatched
Tykkjar det er veldig stilig at Wales' nasjonale togselskap nyttar .wales som TLD for vevsidane sine.
(Prøvar dog å ikkje tenkje på at W-en i TfW står for Wales... Transport for Wales... Dått Wales.)
#tfw #cymru #norsktut #togtut #interrail
#TFW you realise you’re spending more time on your ALT than your real Masto account
#tfw I try to apply some spray against mosquitoes and miss myself just spraying the air
#TFW you notice that the buttons that are in your house's key-box's combination are all obviously more worn than the ones that aren't, so anyone at your back door can easily see what the combination is.
(It's the kind of box where the order in which the buttons are pressed doesn't matter.)
#PSA: If your house has a key-box you should check if maybe this applies to you.
(I changed the combination and will do so annually moving forward.)
#oops #doh #infosec #security #HomeOwnership
#tfw #psa #oops #doh #infosec #security #homeownership