Rev Janglebones · @reverendjanglebones
54 followers · 276 posts · Server

About to have some amulets up for grabs. A few by the legendary Ajarn Best, a mala by LP Simpalee, Phor Nan Sala Tan's 5 lady ghosts, some heavy duty Khmer Prai, and a few others beauties.

Fave the shop:

#thaioccult #thaiamulets #khmeroccult #magic #thaitalismans #buddhistmagic #thaibuddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

Rev Janglebones · @reverendjanglebones
19 followers · 61 posts · Server

I'm learning that the price of the amulet primarily reflects the fame of the maker. While their fame may rightfully be attributed to their ability, this does not reflect upon Ajarns with less expensive amulets. It is possible that they are less known because they have less skill, but it is more likely that they simply haven't yet been publicized in the West.

#thaioccult #thaiamulets #thaimagic

Last updated 2 years ago