Thank you for the article. I prefer to see what they're saying directly on the Fedi from their own links but that was very thoughtful of you.
I'll assume familiarity with the Chinese room experiment but the #ThaiLibraryExperiment is another good # to look at.
Indeed. It is not intelligent and confabulates rather than invents.
I think you're confused about what is meant by learning. The Thai library experiment is an exercise in empathy where you're invited to consider the immense challenge of bootstrapping yourself into a language you don't speak without bringing in outside aids.
How much greater the challenge for any nascent non human intelligence?
@clauclauclaudia @edyoung @Seruko @emilymbender
Confabulating is the best word I've seen. Unconscious invention that you're unaware of inventing.
I like "Computationally expensive autocorr-wrong" because that's what it's doing. Taking a punt at what the answer looks like with no thought for detail.
If you haven't checked out #ThaiLibraryExperiment then that's a valuable exercise in empathy.
@jeffjarvis @emilymbender @ct_bergstrom
Thanks brilliant article. Really great explanation of why we shouldn't expect anything but weird from it.
"The only knowledge it has is knowledge of distribution of linguistic form." (Computationally expensive autocorr-wrong).
#emilymbender #thailibraryexperiment #ai