We are glad that Thamsklyngen Klyngensamling (Cluster Summit) yesterday was a great success. The presentations and the workshop sessions were very engaging and we are excited to bring the learnings back to our team. Looking forward to working with some of the ideas.
#Thamsklyngen #Cluster #Klyngesamling #Workshop #Event #Photo #Orkanger #Norway
#thamsklyngen #cluster #klyngesamling #workshop #event #photo #orkanger #norway
Back to NTNU again to see the final presentations by the groups in an EiT village where we had a presentation on Thamsklyngen earlier this year.
#NTNU #EiT #University #Presentation #Thamsklyngen #Trondheim #Norway
#NTNU #eit #university #presentation #thamsklyngen #trondheim #norway
Back to Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), but not as a student this time! I was here in an EiT (Experts in Teamwork) class, representing my employer, Thams Industrial Cluster, with a presentation on our work in Sustainability and Industrial Symbiosis.
#NTNU #University #Class #Thamsklyngen #Sustainability #Symbiosis #Trondheim #Norway
#NTNU #university #class #thamsklyngen #sustainability #symbiosis #trondheim #norway