Just rather awful to see the Calif Supreme Court codify this. #thanksihateit hm. I don’t like that the hashtag automatic changes my Camel text back to all lower caps. #ThanksIHateIt
Intrusive thoughts is like having a Streisand effect on your brain #thanksihateit
When you're on a really high-end machine and using gmail is so slow that it gets your letters out of order when typing them into a search field, something is SERIOUSLY FLARGING BROKEN with the modern web.
#ThanksIHateIt #LetsGoBackToWebTwoPointOh #ThisReallyBites #DeGoogleBeforeItsTooLate
#thanksihateit #letsgobacktowebtwopointoh #thisreallybites #degooglebeforeitstoolate
TIL that when YouTube plays thumbnails you don't click, those videos also show up in your watch history. #thanksihateit
TIL that if you add a new person to your #Netflix profile, they use a whole new UX which makes loud autoplaying previews the default. This also has the side-effect of bringing our Roku stick to its knees, with user response times lagging to 15-30s
Can’t log in to Discord because I can’t prove I’m human, because some AI art generator thinks something is a vinyl record and I do not (or vice versa).
#future #thanksihateit #ai #captcha #tech
#Art Looking for stock photos to use as reference for a drawing I have in mind, and you wouldn't believe what image databases think is "victorian". 🙄
I'm also troubled by the fact that a considerable amount of these pictures are AI generated. #ThanksIHateIt
On the plus side, I'm discovering more and more (non-AI) stuff that inspires me to draw & paint, and that hasn't happened in quite a long time, so: yay! 🙌
Enjoying the 14° afternoon #DogsOfMastodon #ThanksIHateIt
#dogsofmastodon #thanksihateit
Dear @SlackHQ Why do I have to set "use cmd-return to send message" in EACH Slack community? Why can' t this be a Slack-wide setting? #thanksIHateIt
I'm watching the Phyrexia All Will Be One stream from Wizards of the Coast.
There are at least 10 versions of this card, up to 15 if they have regular foil treatments for them as well.
#ThanksIHateIt #MTGOne #MtG #MagicTheGathering #Phyrexia #WotC #WizardsOfTheCoast #Magic
#magic #wizardsofthecoast #WotC #phyrexia #magicthegathering #mtg #mtgone #thanksihateit
Maybe it’s an age thing but scrunch bum #leggings are the absolute worst and no one will convince me otherwise…I’ll be over here training for a half marathon in active wear that doesn’t have a wedgie pre-included
#leggings #fashion #trends #activewear #thanksihateit
Cheek fat removal. Why though.
#unrealisticbeautystandards #ThanksIHateIt
#unrealisticbeautystandards #thanksihateit
@JessicaKhailo This one is horrifying too
#stablediffusion #aiart #thanksihateit