I appreciate Mastodon as one of the very few places on the internet (or anywhere, really) where I am not bombarded with sports-betting ads. #ThanksMastodon
I was yesterday years old when I learned of #bloomscrolling and my life has improved immensely. #thanksmastodon
#bloomscrolling #thanksmastodon #morningwalk
Over first cup of #coffee, I got to watch a clip of how they repair cobbles on the course of my favorite bicycle race (Paris-Rubaix), a not so secret spot to see where the Vishnu Schist hit the alluvial fan, and traded shop talk with someone half a world away.
Not a bad start to the day.
Shall we get the #ThanksMastodon going?
#today #Coffee #thanksmastodon
Been hangin on the Face site because I have followers/friends in-state ( #idaho ) there and it helps when I need to communicate... but damn #mastodon is a delightful to return to. #thanksmastodon love the humor / snark / quirks and depth of political thought... and the news coverage just gets better and better.
#idaho #Mastodon #thanksmastodon
finally got around to following a few tags. Having a custom feed is so damn useful - all of the positives without the fallbacks of random shit you don't want.
One thing I love about #Mastodon is how if the right person boosts your post from a month ago you can suddenly have all these lovely favorites in your notifications and it can make the guy that cut you off on the way to work dissipate into nothing in your brain. #ThanksMastodon #GiveSomeoneABoost
#Mastodon #thanksmastodon #givesomeoneaboost
I went on the birdsite to post something and my brain immediately began to melt and I ran back here. #ThanksMastodon
Sheesh. I ordered ONE taco blanket baby gift for a friend who's expecting, and now I'm being served maternity and baby ads across every corner of the internet. (Except here #ThanksMastodon) Anyway, if you must use my purchases against me, it would be far more accurate to try to sell me tacos. Targeted ad data could use some work.
We joined Mastodon since twitter tries to screw everyone and this seems to be the new way to go. #ThanksMastodon #Welcome #FirstPost
#thanksmastodon #welcome #firstpost
Thnking about the differences between #mastodon and #facebook. My FB profile is locked down because I don't trust FB. Thee's a lot I don't say on FB because some of the people I've friended (family) would not understand it.
On Mastodon, my profile is open and my family is not following me.
I don't know which feels lore liberating: feeling safe enough to share with many people, or not having to worry my family will read what I'm saying.
#mastodon #facebook #thanksmastodon
My wife said I couldn't share this anywhere with an algorithm so uh enjoy my baby picture, strangers on the internet
It has taken me 20 months to gain 11 followers on Twitter, but only 25 days to gain 11 followers on Mastodon! This seems quite sad, but I'm so happy! Thank you so much! #ThanksMastodon
Just beginning to feel at home here on mastodon, and I can attest that the joys of surfing random hashtags like #Nope are many. Next I'll be trying #Eek. Plus, having a good #translation app on my phone has opened to me a world outside my bubble. #ThanksMastodon
#thanksmastodon #translation #eek #nope
@emery Now I'm thinking about how this relates to something I was talking about with my wife the other day. Neither one of my parents was good at understanding frames of reference other than their own. Since my interests were so widely different from theirs from an early they didn't recognize when I'd done really good work.
Oh dammit. Now I may need to schedule a therapy appointment. #thanksMastodon
One of the things that #Mastodon has forced me to do is to branch out and look for new friends, new topics and learn new things through others' posts. #thanksmastodon
I agree and thanks for pointing that out😊
#Mastodonrocks #thanksmastodon
#mastodonrocks #thanksmastodon
Just learned the word #ambivert. How have I missed this?! When I googled it, my own picture came up. #ThanksMastodon
@atomicpoet Thank and support (Patreon) our server hosts here #ThanksMastodon