On Thursday, January 26, 2023, The HighWire looked at vaccine injury and the horrible #thankspfizer trend that has caught on recently making fun of those who have been injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Del Bigtree spoke with Angelia Desselle, a woman injured by her first injection in 2021, and Dr. Pierre Kory, her treating physician
Dr. Pierre Kory and Vaccine-Injured Patient Angelia Desselle on The HighWire Episode #304 'Never Again' (January 26,2023)
En demande spécial! 🤓
#fakeshake #thankspfizer #wads
Cc @DouteuxOrg@twitter.com 😉
RT @ursulecovid@twitter.com
#thankspfizer https://twitter.com/ursulecovid/status/1617703055671324674/photo/1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ursulecovid/status/1617703055671324674
#wads #thankspfizer #fakeshake
I got the Pfizer vaccine and now I can't stop thinking about generalized cohomology theories. #thankspfizer
Someone on the bird site posted misinformation about the Pfizer vaccine giving them spasms, setting off a storm of #shitposts.
This is my fav: #thankspfizer
Ugh. I've seen 3 of these fake tremor (#thankspfizer) videos in an hour. Anti-vaxxers at it again. Right wingers and crunchy liberalish people converge. #ConspiracyTheory thinking, everyone wants to think they have the secret truth:( and then they evangelize:(
‘Thanks, Pfizer’ trends as anti-vaxxer tries to blame vaccine for spasms - but Twitter has other ideas
#antivax #conspiracytheory #thankspfizer
No! My estimation for fuel was $6K for fuel to Southern Ontario and back; my guess for Nova Scotia and back was $8K. I'm way ahead on gas. Pity we gave up camping 2 weeks into the trip and, aside from family visits, we've stayed in hotels. Hopefully it all evens out. Whatever. Who cares? I got to spend time with my favourite aunt, who I haven't seen in 9 years, and will never get to see again. #ThanksPfizer