@jan It is 100% OK to Google the answer and we all do that.
Don't let the user you are trying to help see you do that. #AllTheCoffee #ThankYouForComingToMyTedTalk
#allthecoffee #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk
This is an easy one. It’s not an amorphous concept that people could be calling by many names.
And now for my periodic complaint about the lack of #search on Mastodon: I want to know what people are saying about a topic. But if they’re not using a hashtag, or people are using many different hashtags, or my ESP hasn’t yet discovered the most popular one, it’s inaccessible.
Search is good, and what isn’t good about it is correctable by allowing people to opt out. #ThankYouForComingToMyTEDTalk
#search #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk
And now, for my periodic complaint about the lack of #search on Mastodon. I want to know what people are saying about #Spoutible. Or even, if they’re not spelling it correctly, #Spoutable. I’m sure somebody somewhere in the Fediverse is talking about it, but either they’re not using a hashtag or my ESP hasn’t yet discovered what hashtag they’re using. Search is good, and what isn’t good about it is correctable by allowing people to opt out of it. #ThankYouForComingToMyTEDTalk
#search #spoutible #spoutable #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk
Browser bookmarks are the most antiquated and frustrating experience, especially across different browsers and devices. Synchronizing is not the answer (has never worked well) and extensions are not the answer (too buried). As I see it, the answer isn’t something that can be solved by a) a third party, or b) proprietary systems.
The onus is on browser companies to collaborate on an open, secure protocol specifically designed for bookmarks that all browsers use.
Cuffing season? Nope, I’ve got shit to do.
I’m bringing ALL of this to Weird Bitch Winter 2023.
#WeirdBitchWinter #SingleNoMingle #December2022 #Christmas2022 #NYE2022 #WhatYearIsIt #DogLady #CestTheo #CuffingSeason #BoneAndBolt #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk #SundaysStonerWrites #DontCareNoMore
#dontcarenomore #sundaysstonerwrites #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk #boneandbolt #cuffingseason #cesttheo #doglady #whatYearIsIt #NYE2022 #christmas2022 #december2022 #singlenomingle #weirdbitchwinter