I don't do #unfollowGuilt 😢 myself, so I hope you don't have to either.
But maybe we don't fit like we thought we might. That's okay. #safety and #consent.
It would be an #honor for you to follow any account of mine you like, if any. #defed and refed at will. I already know you and appreciate you. Check my #bio for other personas. There are probably a few.
Oh! ⁉️ An honor for -me- that is. To have any #follower. Who is you. #anywhere.
And an honor for you too, probably...? To #follow me? In any way that works for #anyone at all? Here or there...?
Now that I think about it, #thatDepends on my #Fedi #community reputation later on.
#LetsFederate and find out! #inTheFuture!
#unfollowguilt #safety #consent #honor #defed #bio #follower #anywhere #follow #anyone #thatDepends #fedi #community #letsfederate #inTheFuture