#SilentSunday #Dorf #village #Fachwerk #HalfTimbering #Reetdach #ThatchedRoof #Dorfteich #pond #Fontaine #Fotografie #photography #SchleswigHolstein
#silentsunday #dorf #village #Fachwerk #halftimbering #reetdach #thatchedroof #dorfteich #pond #fontaine #fotografie #photography #schleswigholstein
Does anyone know of any thatchers? My grand uncle’s straw thatched cottage is getting into a bit of a state now and we don’t want it to get so bad that it’s irreparable. Would appreciate boosts, thanks!
#IrishThatchedCottages #Cottages #ThatchedRoof #Galway
#irishthatchedcottages #cottages #thatchedroof #galway
Does anyone know of any thatchers? My grand uncle’s straw thatched cottage is getting into a bit of a state now and we don’t want it to get so bad that it’s irreparable. Would appreciate boosts, thanks!
#IrishThatchedCottages #Cottages #ThatchedRoof
#irishthatchedcottages #cottages #thatchedroof
Another #Drive, to Kurihara, way up northwest of #Miyagi.
Not a temple, but a historical #ThatchedRoof guard house for the checkpoint between the old provinces of #Sendai and #Akita, and the parking in front of the well-placed hot springs resort beside, at the end of the #mountain road (you'll get no further in #winter) !
#drive #miyagi #thatchedroof #sendai #akita #mountain #winter #東北 #宮城県 #栗駒 #栗原 #ドライブ #tohoku #snow