“The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.”
MP Li Andersson (LA).
#naziJokeGovernment #thatcherism #welfareCuts #politics #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors #rightWingPolitics #austerity
#nazijokegovernment #thatcherism #welfarecuts #politics #politicsfi #finland #cabinetofhorrors #rightwingpolitics #austerity
Like so often happens, this time too the expectations (or explanations) of right-wing politicians are completely separated from the actual reality.
Idk how in the hell would “you cannot make A DIME without it lowering your benefits” would encourage someone to try and find work. especially part-time.
#naziJokeGovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsFI #welfare #welfareDefund #socialBenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsfi #welfare #welfaredefund #socialbenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightwingpolitics
Fascists are rejoicing and attempting to cause a scandal because there was one banderol that “encouraged violence” in Sundays antigovernment protests that was attended by 10k - 20k people.
Below published stance from the anarchist group A-ryhmä that made and carried the banner. Screenshots from their Instagram. 1/2
#naziJokeGovernment #labourRight #thatcherism #politics #politicsFI #rightWingPolitics #defund #defundingWelfare #capitalism #corruption #racism #anarchism
#nazijokegovernment #labourright #thatcherism #politics #politicsfi #rightwingpolitics #defund #defundingwelfare #capitalism #corruption #racism #anarchism
Thatcherism is dead: Thatcherism lives. Blog by Chris Dillow. He always has an interesting and original take. This time on Thatcherism today.
#thatcherism #ukpolitics
@Simon318ppm @therightarticle
I have a fear that, like the first Blair term, a mandate to scrap the ravages of #Thatcherism was not used to the full. The country needs top to bottom reform, refreshment and revitalisation and you can't do that tip-toeing through the corn field.
Let's be clear here, #ThamesWater has not failed, it has been run exactly as intended.
#thameswater #privatisation #capitalism #thatcherism #fuckthetories
Who knew that the pirate station Radio Caroline laid the groundwork for the Thatcherite revolution? Also connected - Institute for Economic Affairs.
#pirate #radio #caroline #RadioCaroline #Thatcher #MargaretThatcher #thatcherism #ThinkTank #ThinkTanks #UK #FreeMarket
#freemarket #UK #thinktanks #thinktank #thatcherism #margaretthatcher #thatcher #radiocaroline #caroline #Radio #pirate
#RIP the great #GlendaJackson Oscar winning actor, long serving #Labour member of Parliament. Telling the truth about #Thatcherism. A grim period of my country's history.
#rip #glendajackson #labour #thatcherism
If you're wondering how the forces of bossware, homelessness, and other enshittifying factors came to rule, it's actually pretty straightforward. 40 years ago, we installed a software patch called #neoliberalism (in some regions, this patch was had localized names like #Thatcherism or #Reaganomics).
40 years later, the patch is an unequivocal failure and now it's our job to roll it back, despite all the broken dependencies this will trigger.
#neoliberalism #thatcherism #reaganomics
haters and trolls out in force tonight, #thatcherism on libera IRC to join the fight back ✊
@Kaya Kommt davon, wenn man auf Teufel komm raus unbedingt die vermeintliche Glorie der Kolonialzeit wiederaufleben lassen will, sich treu dem #Thatcherism hingibt und auf 90% der Bevölkerung schlicht und ergreifend scheißt...
Disclaimer: Intentionaler Zynismus um mich vom Heulen abzuhalten.
Another #LongRead this morning, interesting (I hope) for readers across the #UK political spectrum, on the unexpected & unintended consequences of #Thatcherism, & the fatal bind the #Conservatives are now in https://samf.substack.com/p/boomers-and-the-ultimate-failure?utm_campaign=post
#conservatives #thatcherism #uk #longread
Who's privatising the EU, and who's profiting from privatising EU utilities?
#utilities #privatisation #Thatcherism #EU #Europe
#utilities #privatisation #thatcherism #eu #europe
Too often, there’s confusion about how #wages became decoupled from #productivity gains, how #CorporateResponsibility became a thing of the past, how every facet of #American life came to be #monetized by the #FinancialIndustry
May I present #MiltonFriedman & the #FriedmanDoctrine of 1970.
“…there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.”
To give him his due, he probably did not foresee the full capture of #government by corporations, which let them change those “rules of the game” - gutting worker & environmental protections and allowing #monopolies to rise again.
His work was used to give cover to #Reaganism, #Thatcherism and all that has followed. 😑
#wages #productivity #corporateresponsibility #american #monetized #financialindustry #miltonfriedman #friedmandoctrine #government #monopolies #reaganism #thatcherism #economics #incomeinequality
#SammyandRosieGetLaid #Cinema
Lost in a legal limbo. Bootleg copies exist and I have one, but wouldn't it be nice if #Criterion or some other organization brought the best film about life under #Thatcherism back into circulation?
Here is the full #film on YouTube. It will get deleted soon, so if you've never seen it, act fast. https://youtu.be/Ww7PGgq7_nY
#Film #thatcherism #Criterion #cinema #sammyandrosiegetlaid
#MedizinBrennt auch in den #UK, und zwar nicht erst seit #Covid. #Pflegekräfte des #NHS streiken deshalb für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen. Und nicht nur sie: Seit Wochen lähmen (m. E. völlig berechtigte) Streiks Großbritannien. Lehrkräfte, Beschäftigte der Bahn und anderer Branchen kündigen neue Streiks an. Die Regierung reagiert in schlechter #Tory-Tradition: Sie will das #Streikrecht einschränken. #Thatcherism https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/streiks-grossbritannien-gesundheitswesen-103.html
#Medizinbrennt #uk #covid #pflegekrafte #nhs #tory #streikrecht #thatcherism
#HanifKureishi is not just another writer.
He is the son of a wealthy #Pakistani man and an Englishwoman and grew up in a suburb of London.
In his books, he explores integration problems caused by not being from one place or the other in a broad sense -he recognized himself as bisexual- in the years of #Thatcherism in the #UnitedKingdom.
He started writing #pornographic stories until #StephenFrears adapted a script of his in "My Beautiful Laundrette" -1985- then
"Sammy and Rosie Get Laid"
#hanifkureishi #pakistani #thatcherism #unitedkingdom #pornographic #stephenfrears
It's so depressing to read news from #Sweden these days.
Every day there're either new scandals, change of laws to the worse or broken promises about making life easier for ordinary people, instead doing the same to the super rich.
Trumpism is ruling in the country, far to the right of the #thatcherism that the previous conservative government used to push & directly influenced by the disgusting policies of #NeoNazi SD & their #Evangelical "christian" tail the K(s)D.
#sverige #politics #evangelical #neonazi #thatcherism #sweden
Loathe as I am to link back to that other site, this is a must-read thread for anyone into The Specials, on the creation and context for “Ghost Town”
#music #TerryHall #TheSpecials #thatcherism
#music #terryhall #TheSpecials #thatcherism
This feels powerful in the context of a book I #AmReading, Blood Diamonds, which covers 20th C backdrop to the miners’ disputes. Disputes that became a leitmotif of triumphant #Thatcherism and the destruction of collective bargaining for over a generation “The right says strikes are abusive and wicked. I say they have helped build our #society” #unions
#amreading #thatcherism #society #unions