Sneaking into see Guns N’ Roses original lineup in New York City (1989). Which happens to be my very first concert & yup I skipped school.
#jukeboxfriaynight #thatfirsttime First concert, Clapton and Carlos Santana in Denver .
#jukeboxfriaynight #thatfirsttime
#JukeboxFridayNight #ThatFirstTime
First joint i got into by the
Felice Brothers - Jazz on the autobahn
edit: reposted with the correct linky
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
Tonight’s #JukeboxFridayNight theme is #ThatFirstTime.
The first time I heard “One” by #Metallica, I was about 12. It was a late night TV commercial for a heavy metal hit’s compilation. The snippet of the chorus scared me. I thought they were evil.
Later on, I realized it’s a tribute to “Johnny Got His Gun”, an incredibly powerful and poignant #AntiWar movie. To this day, the music video brings tears to my eyes.
Warning: Incredibly sad and psychologically disturbing
#AntiWar #metallica #thatfirsttime #jukeboxfridaynight
A bit late but The first time I heard this it was a revelation. She is a genius.
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
Another #JukeboxFridayNight #ThatFirstTime is from attending the first ever PAX East. At the time I hadn't yet heard of any of the musical acts that played at the concert, but I was utterly delighted by all of them and have been a fan since. It introduced me to a whole world of nerdy music I hadn't known existed. There were lots of groups that played but I'll shout out @mc_frontalot because he definitely left the biggest impression on me.
There are so many songs to choose from (please check them out!) but this is one of my favourites:
Bizarro Genius Baby
#jukeboxfridaynight #thatfirsttime
It's #JukeboxFridayNight and the theme is #ThatFirstTime
One of the first concerts I ever went to solo was for AWOLNATION, because I was obsessed with Sail (and a few others). There were two opening acts and I'd never heard of either of them before. One of those opening acts was (at the time) a little known band by the name of Imagine Dragons. They performed Radioactive, and I was so blown away. I was instantly in love with them, and when I got back to my car after the concert I went online and bought their album.
Over the next few weeks I watched as Radioactive blew up on the radio charts and Imagine Dragons sky-rocketed. I've gone to their concert twice since and it's just incredible every time
#jukeboxfridaynight #thatfirsttime
#JukeboxFridayNight theme #ThatFirstTime
about that first time Jenny heard Rock'n'Roll
"Jenny said when she was just five years old
You know there's nothing happening at all
Every time she puts on the radio
There was nothing goin' down at all
Then one fine mornin' she puts on a New York station
She couldn't believe what she heard at all
She started dancin' to that fine fine music
You know her life was saved by Rock 'n' Roll"
The Velvet Underground - Rock And Roll
#thatfirsttime #JukeboxFridayNight
To add yet another #JukeboxFridayNight
#ThatFirstTime I realized I *loved* a song 🎵
I must have been nine or ten. My mother had the lights out and the window open, looking out at the night sky.
Blasting out "Ripples" by Genesis
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
One more #JukeboxFridayNight, and a good place to end.
Like many people of a certain age, my first encounter with music on the internet was Napster, way back when. #ThatFirstTime I tried looking for something, I'd recently read about the Magnetic Fields' new 69 Love Songs in the Melody Maker and decided to see if I could find any tracks.
And this is what I found. All these years later, I still listen to the 69 Love Songs more than pretty much any other album.
Plus, I'm kind of chuffed that my first internet song was something so gloriously queer.
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime #music #themagneticfields #69lovesongs
De La Soul Is Dead was the first album I bought on CD (or at least one of the first three - it's been a little while ago and my memory isn't what it used to be).
Luckily I got 3 Feet High And Rising on vinyl, as that's still going strong, whereas the CD went kaput many moons ago.
Very much enjoying all those Friday #DeLaSoul video uploads!
De La Soul - Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey) 🔈 🎶 🌻
#delasoul #hiphop #JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
#ThatFirstTime I heard #IndustrialMusic
Played for me by a friend I had just met while skating. Turned out to be a life-changing moment. He also played Ministry (Psalm 69) and KMFDM (Naive), and I was very much into it.
Skinny Puppy - Too Dark Park
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime #industrialmusic
#JukeboxFridayNight theme #ThatFirstTime
That first time I heard music you never got on the radio.
The start of a Journey. AnarchoPunk
CONFLICT - Meat Still Means Murder
#thatfirsttime #JukeboxFridayNight
It took me a minute to come up with the best choice for #JukeboxFridayNight #ThatFirstTime
I've gone with Burn by The Cure. It's the opening track from The Crow, part of one of the best film albums ever made; and it really stuck with me as the first film I'd seen that spoke to my musical tastes and taste in films when I was in my early teens and sparked an interest in the mediums of film soundtracks.
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
Another for #JukeboxFridayNight and it is actually Friday night now. Good time for the funk.
Continuing to look at the #ThatFirstTime theme through my first introduction to musical niches: I was led into the world of afrobeat and West African funk through the Ghanaian genius Rob.
Rob Roy Reindorf had a very brief musical career before lack of commercial success and changing fashions pushed him to find a regular job and move on. But the two funk records he made, Funky Rob Way and Make It Fast Make It Slow are glorious examples of the genre, full of pounding percussion, powerful horns and filthy bass.
The first song to introduce me to this world was from Rob's 1977 debut, and I'm fairly sure it was the title track.
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime #music #funk #afrobeat #rob #Ghana
#JukeboxFridayNight theme #ThatFirstTime
That first time I bought an Album
"Back when I was younger they were talking at me
Never listened to a word I said
Always yap yap yapping and complaining at me
Made me think I'd be better off dead
I don't want to talk about it
I don't want to hear no lip
Take your share don't shout about it
That's your lot remember you're a kid"
Stiff Little Fingers - At the Edge
#thatfirsttime #JukeboxFridayNight
My last #ThatFirstTime for this week's #JukeboxFridayNight. Back when I was a university student and dicking around on early internet / Usenet, I struck up a friendship with someone in New Zealand. Mostly it was conducted by e-mail, but sometimes letters, and occasionally tapes were exchanged. On one of those tapes was the first song by Chris Knox that I ever heard. I didn't think I'd be sharing that music 25 years later on a very different medium.
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
Goin Down the Road Feelin Bad by Grateful Dead
It was like a revelation that you don’t always have to adapt yourself to fit the world. Sometimes, you change your circumstances to better fit who you naturally are.
#jukeboxfridaynight #thatfirsttime
#JukeboxFridayNight theme #ThatFirstTime
This was the song that broke extreme metal open for me. I didn’t mind some harsh vocals at the time but death metal hadn’t quite landed for me. I was listening to a lot of Maiden and was all about some flashy but melodic guitars.
The opening riff on this blew me away, and my musical tastes were never the same for it.
#JukeboxFridayNight #thatfirsttime
#JukeboxFridayNight theme #ThatFirstTime
Christy Moore - The first time ever I saw your face
#thatfirsttime #JukeboxFridayNight