#NowPlaying Manic Pop Thrill by @thatpetrol 🔥 #vinyl #thatpetrolemotion
#nowplaying #vinyl #thatpetrolemotion
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
That Petrol Emotion:
🎵 Big Decision
#nowplaying #bbc6music #GideonCoe #thatpetrolemotion
Pickering en haar band, het bovenstaande #FireParty volbrachten hun eerste live optreden in D.C.space in februari '87, om #ToniYoung te gedenken, lid van de band #RedC, die net overleden was. En de eerste zwarte vrouw binnen de DC hardcore en punk scene.
Fire Party zal een minilp en één album opnemen en touren met #scream en #ThatPetrolEmotion in Europa. Tijdens hun verblijf in Europa zullen ze ook nog een opname bij John Peel volmaken.
#revolutionsummer #fireparty #toniyoung #redc #scream #thatpetrolemotion
I'm excited to welcome the Spotlight On podcast to 2023 and the beginning of season 8. This week, LP chats with Steve Mack + Raymond Gorman from the band That Petrol Emotion. There's a lot about TPE's history, spawned from the ashes of The Undertones, as well as thoughts on meeting one's heroes, how political outspokenness hindered the band's chances, and their new box set collection. Listen in here → https://www.spotlightonpodcast.com/that-petrol-emotion/
#podcast #ThatPetrolEmotion #MusicHistory #Ireland
#ireland #musichistory #thatpetrolemotion #podcast
As part of my ongoing quest to listen to far more varied #music this year I've been making use of Last.FM to find similar artists to others I know (I used to use Last.FM ages ago but haven't in a while, but it was recommended by someone here on Mastodon a while back and it's decidedly better than Spotify's artist recommendations) then picking random albums to stream while working. Here's a track I liked this morning by That Petrol Emotion.
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
That Petrol Emotion:
🎵 Party Games (Radio 1 Session, 26 Apr 1987)
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#nowplaying #GideonCoe #thatpetrolemotion
#BBCSounds - #StereoUnderground, Featured Artist: #ThatPetrolEmotion. Plus: FranzFerdinand, #TheStranglers, #James, #TheSmiths, #Lush, #TheJam, #ModernLovers... join #RichardLatto for 2 hours of the best #indie #Alternative #punk #newwave & #britpop on the Radio! Find as a podcast #BBCSounds & broadcast live on 8 #bbc stations across the South #BBCRADIOSolent #bbcradiosussex #bbcradiosurrey #bbcradiokent #bbcoxford #jersey #guernsey #Berkshire
#BBCSounds #Stereounderground #thatpetrolemotion #thestranglers #James #TheSmiths #lush #thejam #modernlovers #richardlatto #indie #Alternative #punk #newwave #britpop #bbc #BBCRADIOSolent #bbcradiosussex #bbcradiosurrey #bbcradiokent #bbcoxford #jersey #Guernsey #Berkshire
In a GENIUS MOVE @RichardLatto made the BIG DECISION to start #stereounderground on #BBCRADIOSolent IT’S A GOOD THING he said, I’m KEEN to do it , to get great music out there-to bring a NATURAL KIND OF JOY to all the indie kids!
Commercial radio likes to ABANDON good taste & wrap everything in CELLOPHANE. Let’s have a GROOVE CHECK; play HEY VENUS by #thatpetrolemotion& feel the TINGLE down your spine!
Saturday’s featured artist is #thatpetrolemotion -tune in 6-8pm #BBCSounds & #bbclocalradio
#Stereounderground #BBCRADIOSolent #thatpetrolemotion #BBCSounds #bbclocalradio
Pickering en haar band, het bovenstaande #FireParty volbrachten hun eerste live optreden in D.C.space in februari '87, om #ToniYoung te gedenken, lid van de band RedC, die net overleden was. En de eerste zwarte vrouw was binnen de DC hardcore en punk scene.
Fire Party zal een minilp en één album opnemen en touren met #scream en #ThatPetrolEmotion in Europa. Tijdens hun verblijf in Europa zullen ze ook nog een opname bij John Peel volmaken. Ondanks hun weinige releases
#revolutionsummer #fireparty #toniyoung #scream #thatpetrolemotion