Gigi · @Gigi
324 followers · 2000 posts · Server

Things White People*
Think Are "Racism":

Here are some of the things that I have witnessed white people call "racist".

▫️ Being called "white";
▫️ Being told that what they just said/did is racist;
▫️ Non-white people talking to other people about their racist interactions with them;
▫️ A person of colour being more intellectually agile than they are;
▫️ A non-white person being insufficiently obsequious to them;
▫️ Being told that they don't have experience dealing with racism;
▫️ A non-white person hurting their feelings;
▫️ Advocating for better treatment of non-white people;

Feel free to add your own.


#thatsnotracist #wypipo #fuckracism #fuckracists #fuckshitlibs #BlackMastodon #BlackMastadon #notallwhitepeople

Last updated 1 year ago