It's enormous but quite cute actually #ThatsWhatSheSaid #MonsterDog #Monsterdon
#thatswhatshesaid #monsterdog #Monsterdon
Ummm…who’s gonna tell them? (Sign says: Jesus vs. Pizza. Jesus can’t be topped.) #yeg #churchsigns #doubleentendre #yegwestend #thatswhatshesaid #ihavenowords
#yeg #churchsigns #doubleentendre #yegwestend #thatswhatshesaid #ihavenowords
How many could you eat?
#Coney #SonicDriveIn #Footlong #ThatsAMouthful #ThatsWhatSheSaid
#coney #sonicdrivein #footlong #thatsamouthful #thatswhatshesaid
Poco se está hablando de que hoy hace 18 años se estrenó la que, probablemente, sea la mejor serie cómica de todos los tiempos: #TheOffice #ThatsWhatSheSaid
I've heard so many good things about the Jinhao X159 that I ordered one in blue to try it out.
The reviews mention that it's a big gun but holy balls I was not prepared for the size of this nib #ThatsWhatSheSaid #FountainPens
(Pilot Metropolitan in the back for reference)
#thatswhatshesaid #fountainpens
@dubious_dragon Wow, that's a long one. And it seemed to be satisfying, too.
15 football fields by 15 football fields wide.
About half way through a crazy Great British Bake of binge starting from season 1. They can deadpan a #thatswhatshesaid line like no other show. For example: “like my wife always says, I should’ve left it in 10 minutes longer”…
“I’m gonna get my stuff filled” #ThatsWhatSheSaid #SnackVsChef #EverythingIsEww
#thatswhatshesaid #snackvschef #everythingiseww
The kind of #LowbrowHumor I go for. #ThatsWhatSheSaid #ClassAct
#lowbrowhumor #thatswhatshesaid #classact
I'm new to #polyamory. Looking forward to getting my toot federated. 😅 #thatswhatshesaid