I dont criticize without offering solutions. I now believe working with the current system is impossible but if you are a believer in working with the trash 1789 constitution some of these might interest.
@brianklaas #The1789ConstitutionIsTrash Because Slavers Wanted to kill slaves who were "uppity" and a bunch of their literal and spiritual descendants wanna finish the job.
No oeace in this country until we use that rag for the toilet paper it is.
FUCK "shall not be infringed"
#theocracy #constitution #The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #Conservatism
No right, NONE should be written in a bill of rights as absolute; NONE. Exceptions should be carved at root level
All theocracy is evil.
The new constitution should allow freedom of religion and explicitly carve out that this is a secular state and churches must be taxed if for profit and freedom FROM religion as an additional right
Freedom of association should prohibit organizations whose sole purpose is the dehumanization of protected classes (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion (atheism is not a religion nor is advocating freedom from religion dehumanization) or political parties dedicated towards the dehumanization or persecution of the other
Fuck your fucking slippery slope
#theocracy #constitution #the1789constitutionistrash #conservatism
@Miriamm #The1789ConstitutionIsTrash Time for a new one.
Unlimited Free Speech isnt.
#metadata #podcast #writing #SciFi #Fantasy #Steampunk #GaslightFantasy #Solarpunk #Lunarpunk #TheTossingGrenandesAtWindmillsPodcast #The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #Poetry #Hypnosis #Hypnokink #IndieMovies #Producer #SinsOfSiliconValley #RedAnvilProductions #RedAnvilCreative #ForeverWest #ArmyOfFire #GrenademanVsTheZombies #Micronation #FreeScotland #RhombusTicks #EmmitOther #EPBlingermeyer #Travel #FreeScotland #FreeCatalonia #Democracy #FreeUkraine #FreeTibet #FreeMyanmar #FreeTaiwan #IOdysseus
#metadata #Podcast #writing #scifi #fantasy #steampunk #gaslightfantasy #solarpunk #lunarpunk #thetossinggrenandesatwindmillspodcast #the1789constitutionistrash #poetry #hypnosis #hypnokink #indiemovies #producer #sinsofsiliconvalley #redanvilproductions #redanvilcreative #foreverwest #armyoffire #grenademanvsthezombies #micronation #freescotland #rhombusticks #emmitother #epblingermeyer #travel #freecatalonia #democracy #freeukraine #freetibet #freemyanmar #freetaiwan #iodysseus
Imagine how much good an independently elected or selected AG could do that didnt exist to protect the presidency or the oligarchy.
#The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #SinsOfSiliconValley
Meta is properly fined. For once. It is the MOST EVIL company in the world.
#the1789constitutionistrash #sinsofsiliconvalley
The 1789 Constitution was a wonder of its time.
It has to go.
Unlimited False Commercial Speech behind the Corporate Shield has to go.
Lying is not speech.
Capitalism is not speech
Capitalism is not art.
Corporations are not people
You either understand it and are relevant to the future, or you dont and arent.
#The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #LyingIsNotSpeech
#RapeCourt #MooreVHarper
#the1789constitutionistrash #lyingisnotspeech #rapecourt #moorevharper
The 1789 Constitution was a wonder of its time.
It has to go.
Unlimited False Commercial Speech behind the Corporate Shield has to go.
Lying is not speech.
Capitalism is not speech
Capitalism is not art.
Corporations are not people
You either understand it and are relevant to the future, or you dont and arent.
#The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #LyingIsNotSpeech
#RapeCourt #MooreVHarper
#the1789constitutionistrash #lyingisnotspeech #rapecourt #moorevharper