"#Pescara, occhio alle rivali per la #B.Plizzari? Il top per la C"
Intervista a Gianluca Pacchiarotti, il "#Puma", ex portiere biancazzurro degli anni '80: "#Zeman ottima scelta, ha riportato entusiasmo con la sua filosofia di calcio"
"#Pescara, watch out for rivals for #B.Plizzari? The top for C"
Interview with Gianluca Pacchiarotti, the '#Puma', former biancazzurro goalkeeper of #the1980s: "#Zeman is an excellent choice, he has brought back enthusiasm with his philosophy of football"
30-4-2023 13:53 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/sport/calcio/pescara-play-off-rivali-zeman-entusiasmo-plizzari-top.html
#pescara #b #puma #zeman #the1980s #ilpescara
My personal favorite John Cusack film. #BetterOffDead #the80s #the1980s #80sMovies #JohnCusack #LaneMeyer #CharlesDeMar
#betteroffdead #the80s #the1980s #80smovies #johncusack #lanemeyer #charlesdemar
@wayn0r lol I just thought...
I find so many things interesting, and have so many #interests, I'll need to go back for more paper!!
#gaming is just one of them, then there's #Japanesefolklore #adactcr, #GT racing, #simracing, #shmups #40k #racetracks #history #calculators #gundam
Goddess this will go on forever. I havent started on #the1980s , #starwars, #chess #arcades #hemingway #chaos #primes #geometry #moomins #nature #mitorcycles or #foofighters yet...
#interests #gaming #Japanesefolklore #adactcr #GT #simracing #shmups #40k #racetracks #history #calculators #gundam #the1980s #starwars #chess #Arcades #hemingway #chaos #primes #geometry #moomins #nature #mitorcycles #foofighters