TV TONIGHT (June 25)
#BETAwards #LoveAtFirstLie #WickedTuna #The2010s #FromOnMGM #SilosBakingCompetition #VICE #NASCAR #MLB #USFL #RHOA #TWDDeadCity #90DayFiance #NakedAndAfraid #RavensHome #TheRighteousGemstones #TheLazarusProject #AverageJoe
#averagejoe #TheLazarusProject #therighteousgemstones #ravenshome #nakedandafraid #90DayFiance #twddeadcity #RHOA #usfl #mlb #nascar #vice #silosbakingcompetition #fromonmgm #the2010s #wickedtuna #loveatfirstlie #BETawards
Going from the #dadcore CNN 2010s documentary episode on social media to logging #OnHere to see People’s Front of Judea main character drama in the aftermath of Twitter and Reddit melting down is some kind of bookend to the night.
Anyway, my Wikipedia-addled brain loves the nostalga-tinted hyperlink vibes of these CNN “decades series”—even though they are chock full of conventional wisdom. Anyone else following along or watched in the past? #The2010s #2010sCNN
#dadcore #onhere #the2010s #2010scnn
Morning subway #music
Yuck - Yuck (2011)
The first two songs on this album are perfect. I think the singer/guitarist left the band after this one and I didn’t hear the next album, is it worth tracking down?
I remember thinking it was crazy how a “new” band nailed the Dino Jr. / Pixies thing. Lo and behold it’s ten years old.