"The Night Has a Thousand Eyes"
by Jerry Brainin, with lyrics by Buddy Bernier (not in the linked version though) #JohnColtrane #Coltrane #McCoyTyner #ElvinJones
"I Saw the Light" Hank Williams
#Hank #HankWilliams https://youtu.be/pyiGHFGCf2U
"A Sight for Sore Eyes" #TomWaits
"Sweet Blindness" #The5thDimension
Schubert: Augenlied, D. 297
#Schubert #FranzSchubert
#thursdayfivelist #theeyes #johncoltrane #coltrane #mccoytyner #elvinjones #hank #hankwilliams #tomwaits #the5thdimension #schubert #franzschubert
"If I Could Reach You" is a song written by Randall Clayton McNeill and recorded by #the5thDimension in 1972.
"Stoned Soul Picnic" is a 1968 song by #LauraNyro. The best-known version of the song was recorded by #the5thDimension, and was the first single released from their #albumOfTheSameTitle. It was the most successful single from that album, reaching No. 3 on the #USPopChart and No. 2 on the Billboard #R_BChart. It became a #platinumRecord. The song was composed and recorded by Nyro for her album #EliAndTheThirteenthConfession, released in March 1968.
#lauranyro #the5thdimension #albumofthesametitle #uspopchart #r_bchart #platinumrecord #eliandthethirteenthconfession
#NowListening #The5thDimension – Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In
Allen Ginsberg: “First thought, best thought.”
When the moon is in the Seventh House,
And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
I am ready for this:
#nowlistening #the5thdimension