2/2… the money is created as but if the tacit intention of the elite is to NOT pay back the debt, then it is just by elites for elites.

It produces the , those closest to the , the mega , get the most benefit from the inflated money supply. As money is doled to the effects of the , ie. higher prices, manifest. Thus the people who get the money first enjoy the most benefit before prices rise.

#debt #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinter #corporations #the99Percent #inflation

Last updated 4 years ago

That'd be right.

Kind of like in the US recently, with $1.4TRILLION going to the and $200 billion going to .

The beatings will continue.

#cantillionaires #the99Percent #moneyPrinterGoBrr #trickleDownEconomics #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago