2/2… the money is created as #debt but if the tacit intention of the elite is to NOT pay back the debt, then it is just #moneyPrinting by elites for elites.
It produces the #CantillonEffect, those closest to the #moneyPrinter, the mega #corporations, get the most benefit from the inflated money supply. As money is doled to #the99Percent the effects of the #inflation, ie. higher prices, manifest. Thus the people who get the money first enjoy the most benefit before prices rise.
#debt #moneyPrinting #cantilloneffect #moneyPrinter #corporations #the99Percent #inflation
That'd be right.
Kind of like in the US recently, with $1.4TRILLION going to the #cantillionaires and $200 billion going to #the99Percent.
The beatings will continue.
#cantillionaires #the99Percent #moneyPrinterGoBrr #trickleDownEconomics #whyBitcoin