I must admit that the monks know how to make #Lent bearable.
#lent #kattoon #theKardinal #fastenzeit
I'm absolutely fabulous!
#KätToon #theKardinal #definitelynotademonmasqueradingasacardinaltoinfiltratingthecatholicchurch
#kattoon #theKardinal #definitelynotademonmasqueradingasacardinaltoinfiltratingthecatholicchurch
While I imbibe a bubonic tea at a solemn pestivity, you can ponder which synergistic effects of the confessional glitch you find most humorous.
Let me know about your choice.
#theKardinal #kattoon #beichte #confession
RT @theKardinal666@twitter.com
I permit you audiences on Mastodon (theKardinal@mastodon.social). and Twitter (🐘theKardinal666@mastodon.social).
I'm awaiting you!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1617388563057745920
I permit you audiences on Mastodon (theKardinal@mastodon.social). and Twitter (@theKardinal666).
I'm awaiting you!
Best reason to be a #cardinal; the black - red combination of the regalia.
#KätToon #TheKardinal #darkhumour #Satire #DefinitelyNotADemonMasqueradingAsACardinalToInfiltratingTheCatholicChurch
#cardinal #kattoon #theKardinal #darkhumour #satire #definitelynotademonmasqueradingasacardinaltoinfiltratingthecatholicchurch
RT @theKardinal666@twitter.com
Best reason to be a #cardinal; the black - red combination of the regalia.
#KätToon #TheKardinal #darkhumour #Satire #DefinitelyNotADemonMasqueradingAsACardinalToInfiltratingTheCatholicChurch
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1617146327325966339
#cardinal #kattoon #theKardinal #darkhumour #satire #definitelynotademonmasqueradingasacardinaltoinfiltratingthecatholicchurch
#Confessions can be inspiring on so many levels.
#confessions #kattoon #theKardinal #beichte #satire #beichtstuhl
#theKardinal awaits you.
RT @theKardinal666@twitter.com
I permit you
audiences on maston (theKardinal@mastodon.social) and Twitter (@theKardinal666@twitter.com).
I await your appearance. https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1613770203698954242/video/1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1613770203698954242
RT @theKardinal666@twitter.com
I really like the black red combination.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1614489355644542979
I really like the black red combination.
I want to share my wisdom: #themoreyouknow the less you understand!
#themoreyouknow #kattoon #theKardinal
I wish you a #happynewyear, my dear sinners!
May your new year be more sinful and more refreshing than the previous one!
#happynewyear #theKardinal #kattoon #silvester #neujahr #frohesneuesjahr
I wish you a #happynewyear, my dear sinners!
May your new year be more sinful and more refreshing than the previous one!
your Kardinal
#happynewyear #kattoon #theKardinal #neujahr #frohesneuesjahr
†he. best. guidebook. through #hell.
#KätToon #theKardinal #Hölle #Bibel #LaDevinaCommedia #Dante #Höllenkreise
#hell #kattoon #theKardinal #Holle #bibel #ladevinacommedia #dante #hollenkreise
How do you like your pop(e)corn?!
I prefer salty, like Lot's wife, after she had a look around anyway.
#kattoon #theKardinal #popcorn
RT @theKardinal666@twitter.com
Muahahaha, you make Jesus cry(st).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1606922159992995841
RT @theKardinal666@twitter.com
A gloomy #Gothmas, my wicked sinners and friends of darkness.
#theKardinal #KätToon #MerryGothmas #demon https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1606529723617640448/video/1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/theKardinal666/status/1606529723617640448
#gothmas #theKardinal #kattoon #MerryGothmas #demon