
To be fair, when the above-mentioned MonsantoPapers were revealed no one could talk about them.

What were they about? What they meant, in terms of which science may've been perverted to for a host of really quite criminal policies was kept completely from view of the general population.

#engineerConsent #scienceabuse #climate #water #bigpharma #bigag #poisonscartel #technoFeudalists #billgates #theMedia #fossilfuels #fertilizers #glyphosate #herbicides #guthealth #rfkwasright

Last updated 1 year ago


We are not going to defend some of the more totalitarian measures during COVID that went beyond recommending a face covering and staying at home. Ie. we are not going to defend forced masking, forced medical experimentation, forced segregation and extreme digital surveillance.

But to pretend they have absolutely no idea what happened to online platforms following 2016 shows is complicit.

We'll continue to use the hashtag — don't worry.

#theMedia #post2016Era #brexit #wikileaks #trump

Last updated 1 year ago

In the second episode he interviews the in who was forced to go the with his revelations on , perpetuated and permitted by the Australian special military units in , David McBride.


#whistleblower #australia #theMedia #warcrimes #afghanistan #davidmcbride #bloodingCult

Last updated 2 years ago

When are we going to stop letting get away with lying to us, and neglecting the full truth about what has been going on in ?

#theMedia #ukraine #MinskAgreement #germany #france

Last updated 2 years ago

People don't, largely the purpose of attention is to them, to engineer a perception that theyre interesting and have broad impacts. If people think they're popular, they have power.

We don't believe they're popular, just backed/elevated by moneyPrinters. We ignore 'news' featuring them. If more did we'd be better off.

Step 1) don't use their name. Eg. We say Memecoiner/TwitterBuyer etc. Some say MuskRat, which is hilarious.

#theMedia #Elevate #PopularityModel

Last updated 2 years ago

Congratulations Fedizens.

There are now only 19 human users remaining on , and 21,000 human users remaining on , but the greatest and most genuine achievement is that the percentage of people who know about Fediverse is well into the double digits now, and yet most talking heads in , cannot bring themselves to utter the word…

The word being "".

Say it loud — say it clear,
Fediverse is here.

#TurdSite #falsebook #theMedia #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

"How about we stop with DVD drives from entering the country and all other countries that belong to us, Sir? Then DVDs will slowly dissappear."

"We can even accelerate the and increase our over the population by forcing them to download from our partners at , , and in . Its perfect!

SIR: Yes, good. Now my ball.

#computers #climatecrisis #surveillance #films #amazon #google #theMedia #artificialImpoverishment #hillaryclinton #nowmyball #mikepompeo #climatechaos #libraries #fanfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

A multi-trillion , , scours "" and uses to invest in entities based on whether is positive or negative.

We've all learned that are extremely questionable in how and what information they present to start with. Combine that with the fact that it is not a human but a machine trying to interpret .

Real lives are at stake.

Should algorithm-based even be considered ''?

#hedgefund #blackrock #news #ai #theMedia #legacymedia #investment #lawful #algorithmicinvesting #collateralmurder #silentwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Also on this day on a corrupt judge in the UK kept in prison without charge.

But we didn't hear about that because focus on distracting people, not informing them, like they did for the entire four years prior.


#jan6 #julianassange #theMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

> "people would've realised that it isn't so much the bias in which really matters — its the things they know about but never tell you."

~ (Rich Man's Trick, 2014)

Invidious (YouTube) link ends with:

#theMedia #FrancisRichardConolly

Last updated 3 years ago

We are all for but needs to be honest about the estimated number of .

> "attended by thousands".

Erm. No. We were there and it was attended by about 250 it was a good, healthy turnout, but definately not thousands.

If are they will not be trusted to report on other matters that might be more important (not to diminish the importance of a rally of 250 people).

#protests #reporting #attendees #theMedia #dishonest #exaggeration #estimates #forcedNews

Last updated 4 years ago

Even people in the USA experience the effects of overpopulation including, overdevelopment, , (yes, children that grow up in an are more likely to develop them), over resources, (ie. higher ), suppressed , greater need for (see ), (highrise living does catch up with people) etc.

#pollution #mentalillness #apartments #conflicts #assetinflation #houseprices #wages #socialcontrol #theMedia #shorterLifespan

Last updated 4 years ago

Is anyone doing tech and media ?

Starting to think it might be good to start up a channel.

There is so much stuff to make about in and . In the 90s we had irreverent but they slowly dissappeared off the landscape…

Probably bought out or cancelled by the .


#satire #jokes #bigtech #theMedia #skitshows #corporateState

Last updated 4 years ago

Today in were TAKEN from good , under "claims" that they were not "effective".

Yes it does sound familiar.

...and we are seeing at this time, that are stealing from govts in huge quatities (, on the highSeas, etc.). While in the that they're in an almost fashion.

Keep your ear to the ground for - its everywhere!!

We are seeing it daily now!

#australia #3m #facemasks #hospitals #kleptocrats #bailouts #piracy #virtueSignalling #theMedia #servingTheCommunity #ChristLike #doublethink

Last updated 5 years ago