And another multiple killing in the USA. This time it was at a place my wife and I went to often, on my Harley, when we lived in that area. It's a well known biker bar in The OC called Cook's Corner.
#CooksCorner #OrangeCounty #MassShooting #BikerBar #TheOC
#cookscorner #orangecounty #massshooting #bikerbar #theOC
😍😍😍😍 Mr. Bendis and Mrs. Rushfield from The O.C. are endgame. #TheOC #OC #MrBendis #KevinWest #MrsRushfield #LeslieStevens
#theOC #oc #mrbendis #kevinwest #mrsrushfield #lesliestevens
The best part of the The O.C. fandom is the Harask shippers who just want to see Johnny Harper and Oliver Trask smooch. #TheOC #OC #JohnnyHarper #RyanDonowho #OliverTrask #TaylorHandley
#theOC #oc #johnnyharper #ryandonowho #olivertrask #taylorhandley
Yas! Homer and Hadley Hawthorne from The O.C. would be so dope together! #TheOC #OC #Homer #ChrissAnglin #HadleyHawthorne #LucyHale
#theOC #oc #homer #chrissanglin #hadleyhawthorne #lucyhale
Everyone agrees that Grady Bridges and Justin are the greatest couple on The O.C.. #TheOC #OC #GradyBridges #ColinHanks #Justin #JacksonRathbone
#theOC #oc #gradybridges #colinhanks #justin #jacksonrathbone
The whole squad agrees that Dr. Neil Roberts and Spencer Bullit are the sweetest couple on The O.C.. #TheOC #OC #DrNeilRoberts #MichaelNouri #SpencerBullit #BrandonQuinn
#theOC #oc #drneilroberts #michaelnouri #spencerbullit #brandonquinn
It would be so stupid if Detective Warner and Dennis 'Chili' Childress from The O.C. don't get hitched! #TheOC #OC #DetectiveWarner #MarcVann #DennisChiliChildress #JohnnyLewis
#theOC #oc #detectivewarner #marcvann #dennischilichildress #johnnylewis
Everyone in the world agrees that Dawn Atwood and Matt Ramsey from The O.C. should flirt with each other. #TheOC #OC #DawnAtwood #DaphneAshbrook #MattRamsey #JeffHephner
#theOC #oc #dawnatwood #daphneashbrook #mattramsey #jeffhephner
😁 We just want Fiona Dunsmore and Kaitlin Cooper from The O.C. to cuddle. #TheOC #OC #FionaDunsmore #KirstinPierce #KaitlinCooper #WillaHolland
#theOC #oc #fionadunsmore #kirstinpierce #kaitlincooper #willaholland
Everyone agrees that Laura Cross and Dr. Kim from The O.C. are endgame. #TheOC #OC #LauraCross #TinaMorasco #DrKim #RosalindChao
#theOC #oc #lauracross #tinamorasco #drkim #rosalindchao
He's a 10 but he doesn't want Carrie Spitz and Nordlund from The O.C. to hold hands. #TheOC #OC #CarrieSpitz #BreBlair #Nordlund #AdamGrimes
#theOC #oc #carriespitz #breblair #nordlund #adamgrimes
We're all stanning Bill and Leon from The O.C.. #TheOC #OC #Bill #DavidStifel #Leon #ToddBosley
#theOC #oc #bill #davidstifel #leon #toddbosley
Casey and Reed Carlson from The O.C.. If you're aware of what I'm referring to, you're aware of what I'm referring to. #TheOC #OC #Casey #KaylaEwell #ReedCarlson #MargueriteMoreau
#theOC #oc #casey #kaylaewell #reedcarlson #margueritemoreau
The best part of the The O.C. fandom is the Weser shippers who just want to see Wes Seyfried and Jack Harper get married. #TheOC #OC #WesSeyfried #MattBarr #JackHarper #RodneyRowland
#theOC #oc #wesseyfried #mattbarr #jackharper #rodneyrowland
All the shippers ship ZacDe (Zach Stevens and Ryde) from The O.C.. #TheOC #OC #ZachStevens #MichaelCassidy #Ryde #BrandonMichaelVayda
#theOC #oc #zachstevens #michaelcassidy #ryde #brandonmichaelvayda
Everyone in the world agrees Judge Jim Mercer and Dr. Overbee should be together on The O.C.. #TheOC #OC #JudgeJimMercer #MichaelMantell #DrOverbee #ErickAvari
#theOC #oc #judgejimmercer #michaelmantell #droverbee #erickavari
Everyone agrees Jess Sathers and Agent Steve Pearlman should be together on The O.C.. #TheOC #OC #JessSathers #NikkiGriffin #AgentStevePearlman #BarryWiggins
#theOC #oc #jesssathers #nikkigriffin #agentstevepearlman #barrywiggins
When are Rachel Hoffman and Carter Buckley from The O.C. going to canoodle already, true buddies? 🤷♀️. #TheOC #OC #RachelHoffman #BonnieSomerville #CarterBuckley #BillyCampbell
#theOC #oc #rachelhoffman #bonniesomerville #carterbuckley #billycampbell
Did it hurt? When Will Tutt and Clare from The O.C. didn't snuggle? #TheOC #OC #WillTutt #ChrisBrown #Clare #CarrieAnnNagy
#theOC #oc #willtutt #chrisbrown #Clare #carrieannnagy
Karen and Bobby Mills from The O.C. should cuddle but people aren't ready for that conversation! #TheOC #OC #Karen #DevinMills #BobbyMills #TonyDenison
#theOC #oc #karen #devinmills #bobbymills #tonydenison