Top #military official of #ThePentagon has just told #TheNewYorkTimes:
#SpyBalloon crisis highlighted a split in #China’s leadership
#military #thePentagon #thenewyorktimes #spyballoon #china
Procedure is:
1.Select weapon
2.Use master switch to arm weapon
3.Uncage weapon to nude and expose seekers usually in the nose of missile
4.Lock target in the search and track systems of aircraft
5.Fire weapon.
Despite motion guided capability gossips,AIM-9X #Sidewinder is an infrared guided missile and #SpyBalloon probably doesn't have heat sources
So aim depends on lock prior to fire weapon and luck
I offer myself as adviser in Balloon crisis to #ThePentagon after yrs playing #Pang! expertise
#sidewinder #spyballoon #thePentagon #pang
AIM-9X #SideWinder missile that was fired by #uSaF F-22 to shoot down cylindrical object
on 2023 Feb.11 is a short-range, infrared tracking air-to-air missile
It costs uS$ 400,000 per unit and it is one of the cheapest.
Chinese balloon menace or #ThePentagon budget balloon menace
#sidewinder #usaf #thePentagon
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @karstenbondy @feld @fuzzychef @sjvn @oneiros @ariadne @jollyrogue
We neglected to mention that the #USMilitary presence in/around the regions in question may be a factor here…
We should also be mindful that over the past 20 years or so 21 trillion dollars has disappeared from #thePentagon and nobody seems to know where the money has gone.
To a reasonable observer, such salaries are likely to signal corruption of some form or other.
An eight batch of🐦#TwitterFiles dumped
In mid-2017,🇺🇸🪖uS #CENTCOM approached🐦#Twitter directives to whitelist a trove of arab-writing accounts used to amplify proWestern speeches.
Journalist Lee Fang snooped into twitter to discover how🇺🇸🪖uS DoD was running a vast network of fake accounts under operatives of #SOCOM
-Special Operations Command-
How Twitter and🇺🇸🪖#ThePentagon colluded in covert🧠#psyops and deceptive #propaganda is exposed.
#twitterfiles #centcom #twitter #socom #thePentagon #psyops #propaganda
When #thePentagon cannot account for 21 trillion over the past 20 years, consider above #payForPlay scenarios.
Has everyone here seen #RichMansTrick (2014) yet? It provides insight into how some operate.
#thePentagon #payForPlay #richMansTrick
Pentagon admits it trained seven of #Haiti president's #murderers, but denies 'encouraging' #assassination. (non-cloudflare shortURL to
Top spokesman for #ThePentagon, #JohnKirby confirmed that seven #Colombians who murdered President #JovenelMoïse received US training.
Research shows that US-trained #militants have been involved in 165 #coup attempts.
But #Jan6, right?
#haiti #murderers #assassination #thePentagon #JohnKirby #Colombians #JovenelMoïse #militants #coup #jan6 #colonialism #imperialism #paramilitary
"A little bit of trust saves you a fortune".
"A *little bit* of trust"?
Saves *who* a fortune?
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianAssange #wikileaks #swift #IMF #GFC #bailouts #wallstreet #negativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #GFC #venezuela #gold #regimeChange #swift #UK #goldTheft #USA #VietnamWar #iran #libya #ClintonFoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #MIC #MMT #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianassange #wikileaks #swift #imf #gfc #bailouts #wallstreet #NegativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #venezuela #gold #regimechange #uk #goldTheft #usa #vietnamwar #iran #libya #clintonfoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #mic #mmt #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
"A little bit of trust saves you a fortune".
"A *little bit* of trust"?
Saves *who* a fortune?
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianAssange #wikileaks #swift #IMF #GFC #bailouts #wallstreet #negativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #GFC #venezuela #gold #regimeChange #swift #UK #goldTheft #USA #VietnamWar #iran #libya #ClintonFoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #MIC #MMT #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
#bailouts #wallstreet #NegativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #venezuela #gold #regimechange #uk #goldTheft #usa #vietnamwar #iran #libya #clintonfoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #mic #mmt #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy #moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianassange #wikileaks #swift #imf #gfc